Camp fire

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Your POV

-As we walked out we heard Zach "Hey guys guys look uh, i'ma stay out here tonight. Make a fire I got some food if you guys wanna stay?" He asked and Me and Trini looked at eachother "I'm down" we said in sync and the others agreed so we started a fire and sat down, then talked to eachother Jason eventually showed up and Zach looked at him "What happened back there?" And Jason looked at him "Nothin" he responded and sat down "Billy how'd ya do it? How'd ya morph?" Jason asked Billy "I don't know" billy responded "what are you guys thinking about when we're trying to morph" Jason asked "You must shed your masks to wear this armor!!" Kim said as she stood up, tossing a peace of fire wood into the fire causing everyone to laugh. "think only if eachother and the morphing grid will open to you!" Billy said as he deepened his voice "Yeah that's better" Kim chuckled "Well maybe it's because we don't know eachother, maybe that's why we can't morph " Zach mumbled as Kim chuckled "Okay?" Zach looked over at her "No I'm serious, let's do this for real!" He said then stood up "I'm Zach, and I am a power ranger" he said and everyone started laughing "Hi Zach!" Everyone responded "Truth, I live in the melody mobile home park. It's just me and my mum, and my mum MY MUM IS THE BESTTTT!" He yelled, then sniffled turning back to us "but my mum, she's sick..I do what I can but but I'm scared, sometimes I get to scared to stay there at night because I'm afraid she can't make it and if she goes..When she goes I got nobody else..Look I think being with you guys is good for me" he said as he sniffled "Let's do that let's tell our secrets!! It'll help us" Billy said "I got a secret I like country music, no matter of fact I love country music. I don't miss my dad as much I mean coming to the mine with him was all I had but coming to the mine with you guys was just as good" he chuckled "Bigger secret is why we're you in detention!" Jason smirked "I blew up my lunch box!" He said "What?!" Kim said as everyone laughed "But it was a accident! My lunch box was in my locker, boom goes the lunch box in detention goes Billy. But let's not forget that Kimberly Hart is in detention!" He said as he sat down, everyone turned to her "Not tonight..skip me" she mumbled "What about you dude? Why don't you tell us who you really are" Zach says to Jason "because everyone knows exactly who I am" he smirked "Okay" Zach said "What about you crazy girl?" He said turning to Trini "I could tell you anything and you'd have to believe me" Trini said as she leaned up a bit "Uhm okay, I'm the new girl always. Three schools in three years what's crazy is I like it that way it's easier nobody has  to get to know me and my parents don't have to worry about my relationships" She spoke and held my hand since I was sitting next to her "Boyfriend troubles?" Zach said looking at me and her hands, everyone's attention to our hands but me and her only looked at each other then back at him "Yeah..Boyfriend troubles" she said looking down "Girlfriend troubles..?" He asked and she started to speak again "my family is so normal, to normal. They believe in labels, they'd like of me to uhm dress differently, talk more, have the kinda friends  they want me to have. I just don't know how to tell them what's going on with me" she sniffled as every one gave sympathetic looks "And I've never said any of this out loud." She said squeezing my hand a little as I nodded "Well that's cool, your with us now" Billy said making me and Trini freeze a little "Are we? What does that mean when all of this is over. Are we power rangers or are we friends?" Trini asked and everyone looked around, Zach smiled a little and gave a reassuring look before turning to me "What about you? If your not her boyfriend why are you holding her hand that's weird? Tell us about your life, your home life and why you and Trini are so close" He said and Trini looked at me and nodded "You can trust them" she smiled a little "I uhm..Well at home it's a mess ya know, not all my bruises come from this dumb training in the pit. Some of them are from home..Most of them are from home, I'm uh Gay and my dad knows. He hates it so when I come home after four which is what he called curfew, i uh..Things happen. me and Trini are so close because she's my cousin and quite frantically one of the only people that are my friend, but when I met you guys it wad amazing. I do really hope after all of this is over we're still friends." I mumbled and Zach smiled "Yeah! Friends, we shall be labeled as friends!" Zach giggled and so did everyone else "How did you get into detention if I may ask? You seem a little bit shy and not like the person to do something stupid" Billy asked and I turned to him "Some guy called me a fag and I had pent up anger so I punched him and didn't stop till his nose was broken and he was passed out" I mumbled as everybody looked shocked except for Kim and Trini who both knew. "Hey uh we should start heading home but, Noah you can spend the night at my house?" Jason said and I nodded "Yeah, that'd be nice" I smiled then me and Jason got up and left, when we finally got back to his house we snuck in threw his window and he locked his door.

1027 words

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