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-Your Pov

-I woke up in my bed and quickly jumped out of it, I had holes and rips in my clothes but I wasn't hurt at all. I looked over at my bedside counter and saw the coin, it was white and clean now. I let out a small sigh of relief realizing I was alive and walked to my bathroom, when I got there the coin was sitting on the bathroom counter so I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I let out a small sigh before I got in the shower and washed all the dried blood and dirt off, quickly I went to my room when I was done and put on some black jeans then scanned threw my closet till I found a navy blue sweater this time and a black hoodie. I did my hair then went to close the bathroom door but accidentally ripped it off the hinges so I quickly set it down and got dressed then put on some black strap boots with removable wheels on the bottom then grabbed my skate bored, my phone, my head phones and the coin before heading out the door.

On the way to school I skated past Jason and his dad and decided to would be fun to race them, luckily his dad got the hint and stepped on the gas as I skated down the street just a little faster then them. I went straight across the street and to the front of the school as the truck pulled up "Good job Kid" his dad chuckled as Jason got out the car, I quickly pulled the skates off the boots and threw them in my bag before running in. Classes went by pretty quick and lunch came sooner then expected except everyone was talking about Billy knocking out some dumb ginger.

I sat down in the back and didn't eat much till Jason came up to me and tapped me. "Huh? Do you need something?" I asked softly as he nodded "Come here" he spoke and led me over to the counter where Kim and Billy were "Do you feel weird?" Kim asked me and Billy and I only nodded "You mean like weirder then usual?" Billy asked "Yeah..different" Kim growled and set the coin down, Billy pulled out his and I fished in my bag for mind. Pulling mine out me and Billy set out down, I jumped a bit when Jason came outta no where and set his down "Listen we know something happened up their I'm not the same" Jason growled "Me either!oh.. I'm strong!" Billy mumbled "How strong?" Kimberly asked "Like insanely strong" he responded "And what about you?" kim asked as they all looked at me "I uhm..Ripped my bathroom door of the hinges" I mumbled and Kim sighed and nodded "I feel like we need to go back" Kim suggested and everyone nodded until the coins started to float, we all quickly slammed them back down before Jason spoke up "The counter is boiling" he growled as he heard a loud pop and we all looked over, food and drinks started popping on the people who were bullying Kim and I couldn't help but snicker at their screams "Were going back today" Jason growled before walking away "Yeah" Kim smirked as she grabbed her coin and left, Billy quickly ditching as well. I decided to skip the rest of school and hung out in the back till school ended, when the last bell rung I ran to the front where we all piled into some car and started driving to the mines.

On the way there we saw the van that we crashed in being towed away "Lets just keep going" Kim said, once we got there we all piled out of the car and saw mystery guy mining at the wall "Look it's that guy again!" Kim chuckled "FIND ANYTHING INTERESTING!?" Jason yelled "NO BUT IF I DO I'M KEEPING IT" the guy smirked  "We know why your here!" Kim said "Oh yeah? You guys wake up surprised to be alive and jump over a house?" He yelled back "Well yeah but I only ripped my door of the hinges not jump over a house!" I yelled back "Look were different alright everything different!!" Billy yelled "Your Zach right?" Kim yelled "Yep!" He responded "Yeah still go to Angel grove?" Jason raised a brow "Ha, sometimes!" He responded "Ya know the other girl was here too about a hour ago!!" He yelled  "You mean that girl right there?" Billy yelled pointing up to Trini "HEY COME ON DOWN, WE SHOULD FIGURE THIS OUT TOGETHER!" Jason yelled and Trini started scaling the wall "HELL YEAH SPIDER MAN!" I yelled as everybody turned there heads, I stepped back and jumped off the ledge we were standing on before scaling the wall right up behind her, Zach following close behind, Then Jason, Kim and Billy appeared. I walked up behind Trini as she came to a halt at the edge of a cliff "Hey hey! Let's talk about this talk to me! You know I'm afraid of heights I am not about to do that's the ledge was one thing the cliff is another!!" I yelled as she turned back at me and smirked "Well then Pretty boy ya better learn how to stop being afraid of heights" she smirked before backing up and jumping across the cliff and landing on the other side "AW COME ON! I THOUGHT YOU CARED ABOUT MEEEEE" I jokingly screamed and she laughed  "What is wrong with her" Kim grumbled as Zach backed up "Your crazy but so and I!!" He yelled as he ran and jumped, grabbing Trini's foot "I got her now get over here!!" He yelled as she kicked him off but didn't run this time, Kim quickly jumped right after "Come on jump with me" Jason held out his hand to me and I shook my head "I- I can't!! It's to high!" I whimpered and he grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him "I gotcha! I'll catch you, and if I don't you can smack me if you want" he giggled as I rolled my eyes "Come onnnn! Please! You can do it!" He smiled "HEY NOAH, JASON STOP HAVING BOY CRUSHES AND LETS GO!" Trini yelled and I looked over at her then flipped her off "Alright alright I'll go" I mumbled and he smiled we both stepped back "I'm gonna jump across with him and then you jump okay? Piece of cake" he said to Billy "NO no no no don't jump!!" Billy yelled but me and Jason took off anyways and jumped across the gap, and Jason fell straight on his stomach. I landed on my feet surprisingly and sat beside Trini "Ya alright?" Kim said to Jason and he nodded "Yeah no problem!" He mumbled as he spit on the ground "You got this Billy!!" Jason yelled "No I don't! It's such a far jump!" He yelled back "Come on dude we all did it!" Jason yelled as Billy started pacing and talking to himself  "He's scared" Kim growled "He's fine he'll come across" Jason reassured, suddenly Billy ran and jumped letting out a war cry as he did so everyone cheering for him as he landed on the ledge and pulled himself up "I did it!" He cheered "See what'd we tell ya Billy you got it!!" Jason chuckled "See yes!!" Kim giggled "Billy right here!!" Billy giggled and started dancing, but then he fell back off cliff.

1275 words

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