The battle begins

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Your pov

-Once we reached the cave I heard Trini "Hold up Look!" She said looking up threw the water and everyone else did as well, There were the stone creatures form the cave forming  and jumping into the water "I GET TO BE AQUA MAN! COOL!" I giggled before jumping into the water, I busted straight threw one out them and broke another in half. Quickly we all swam up and jumped to the ledge then looked around  to see more of the creatures, we started to fight them. I kicked one and sent it flying watching it get crushed and slammed against the rocks, I was thrown across the field by another but quickly jumped back into action. I jumped onto the back of one of them and pushed myself off of it causing the creature to fall apart, I jumped into another and slammed it against the ground "THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER WITH ARMOR!" I heard Billy yell "AYE FEELS LIKE I'M IRON MAN" I yelled back to Billy "YEAHH" Billy yelled back as I grabbed one of the creatures and threw it against the other ones, we all fought hard but kept being pushed back "Guys they just keep coming!!" Jason yelled "There's to many of them!" Billy called out "You guys hold them off!" Zach yelled grabbing two of of the creatures and jumping into the water bellow, we kept fighting "There gonna push us off the edge!!" Kim yelled before we heard someone else yell "INCOMING" We heard Zach and all moved out the way, The large Zord Zach was in tore threw the creatures and threw them around. Zach jumped out of his Zord "Whoa did you guys see that!" Zach cheered "Yes!!" Kim chuckled "Who wants me to pimp there ride too!" Zach laughed "Uh guys!" Me and Billy said "We're to late.." Billy mumbled as everyone else walked over, we watched Goldar walk towards the town "awe man..That's, that's a lot of gold" Zach mumbled "Were gonna protect the Crystal right?" Trini asked "We're going to Angel Grove" Kim spoke up "Let's get the Zords" I said and everyone nodded.

Everyone climbed into their zords and were pulled back into their seats, I grunted a bit as I hit the seat with a small thud. The handles to the Zord flew to my hands and I caught them, I watched the door to the Zord close it self as the zords powered up. mine let out a loud roar which startled me a bit "THIS IS A LOT MORE DIFFERENT THEN THE VAN!" Billy yelled "MAYBE BECAUSE ITS A DINOSAUR!?" I grumbled as Billy giggled "WOO YIPPE KI YA MOTHER-" I chuckled at the fact that he stopped "mothers good..Mothers- Mothers good" Billy smiled, I looked over at Billy "I never insult people, I only tell what they are. And right now I'm gonna keep it simple and explain it in two words because she makes me angry and I wanna register her death certificate." I growled making Kim, Jason, Billy and Zach look over "What ya never seen him be violent? God he gets messy" Trini chuckled "Let's take down this mother fucker! Long live the reckless and the brave" I smirked. "go power rangers!!" Alpha 5 yelled and we did, my suit was faster then everyone else's which I was thankful for because I ran ahead of all of them, Jason was right behind me.

We finally made it to town "Guys, our town. She's destroying it.." Kim whimpered " Rita and her Golden boy haven't found Krispy Kream yet" Kim said sitting up "Okay Kim you hold them there, Zach, Billy you circle the Krispy Kream and make sure it's safe. I'm headed straight for Goldar, Noah your with me" He said confidently "Kim I'll go with you!" Trini said, me and Jason ran threw the streets towards Goldar. Jason threw a car at the monsters coming at us "I'm sorry bumble bee!" Jason yelled before his suit was swarmed by monsters, I snapped some off of him while he tried to shake before we heard Kim "Turn your head! Trust me!" She yelled and he turned his head, she swooped by and shot a bunch of them off. "thanks Kim!" He yelled as me and him ran for Goldar again "She just found the Crystal.." Kim muttered "OKAY COME ON LETS MOVE" Jason yelled "I'll take Goldar from the Right!" Jason yelled "Right behind you!" I yelled "Come on!" Jason yelled at the creature before he jumped on him, I did so as well. "how's that feel!?" Jason yelled at it "We got this come on!" Trini yelled as the monster threw me and Jason off "NO" me and Trini screamed "I'm coming!" Kim yelled but was thrown out of the sky, I didn't see Jason anywhere. He had disappeared and I was worried but I whimpered when Zach and Billy were thrown into a wall "Guys help!" Billy yelled "Billy I have a idea, ready?" She asked "Uh..yeah? For what exactly?" Billy asked before we saw Kim's Zord pick up Billy "Whooaaa!" Billy yelled as they flew higher "I don't know what to press okay!!" Billy yelled "Open wide Rita!" Kim chuckled before we saw Kim throw Billy into Goldar, I guess Billy pressed a bunch of random buttons because a big blast when off and Goldar and Rita fell to the ground. All the monsters fell and died.

"Hey Billy you okay?" Zach asked "Yeah I'm okay" Billy mumbled "That was crazy brave dude" Zach spoke again "Did we do it?" Kim asked "Did- Did we win?" Billy asked and we heard Zach laugh "Haha yeahh!" He smiled, me and Trini looked at each other then at Goldar and Rita who were standing up "She's back" Jason growled as we watched Goldar hit the ground and the ground opened up, a large glowing area came from inside the hole. "That's incredible.." Billy mumbled "Oh my god" Trini whispered "come on let's go!" Jason yelled and ran towards it, everyone followed and we lined up in front of the Crystal.

"okay everyone, hold the line" Jason growled as we stared at Rita, Goldar stepped forward "We got this.." Trini mumbled "COME ONN!" Billy yelled "CRUSH THEM!" We heard Rita "OKAY, FIRE!" Jason yelled and everyone fired and started shooting at Goldar, I guess Goldar got mad cause he started to punch us. It knocked my Zord back a little as I heard every one yelling "IF YOU MUST COME AT ME, COME AT ME BRO" Billy yelled "STAND DOWN WHITE RANGER AND I'LL SPARE YOU!" Rita yelled "I'D RATHER DIE ON MY FEET THEN LIVE ON MY KNEES YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" I yelled causing Zach to laugh "Didn't know Jason's pretty boy had it in him" Zach chuckled causing Jason to glare at him, Jason's Zord was punched in the face multiple times till it was knocked down, Jason grunted then i heard Kim "Jason I'm coming in!!" She yelled "Kim I got your back!" Trini responded as Kim slowly lifted Jason's Zord "I got you" Kim said as Jason started to shoot at Goldar, who had raised his fist a fire ball coming down at us and it hit Kim's Zord "KIMM" I screamed "I'm burning..I- I can't breath" Kim mumbled as her Zord was slammed down "Ah! ITS crushing me!!" She yelled, the creature was pushing us into the pit "Guys were sliding!!" Billy yelled "Come on everybody hold the line!" Jason yelled "Fight backk!" Zach yelled, I looked over to Jason who was already looking at me "I love you.." I whispered "I love you too" he whispered back "Why did you keep so many secrets Noah? And how did you hide them, How did you hide that fact that you cried every single time you saw Jason with another girl... how did you smile threw that. Like at the fire you smiled when Jason said something about having a girlfriend, how? I just wanna ask before we die.." Trini yelled "Because faking smile is always easy then explaining everyone why we are sad, plus When life hits you hard get up and say you hit like a bitch. And you never lower your worth to get someone's attention" I growled causing everyone to look at me "Wait you cried over me?!" Jason asked causing me to laugh "Yeah, yeah I did I lot" I said with a sniffle "I can't hold it anymore.." I mumbled as I laid my head back against the seat, my eyes fluttered shut. "No one dies alone so get your ass up Noah!" Jason yelled, I looked at him and smiled "I love you so fucking much Jason, you mean everything to me. Thank you..Thank you so much for being there" I said with a smile before my eyes fluttered shut completely, I wasn't dead but my body couldn't handle it anymore. I was so worn out and tired, I heard Billy and Jason screaming "NOAHH" Trini screamed my name "Hold the line..Hold the line.." Zach mumbled before his head was laying against his seat "ZACH, NOAH STAY WITH ME" Trini yelled Kim and Jason were crying "Thank you for being my friends!!" Billy yelled "Hold in to each other!" Kim yelled as we were pushed in, it was so hot I was tired..I felt dead again.

1579 words

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