'a night terror'.

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2am, you lay in your bed awake, trying to fall asleep. like most days, you spent yesterday doing interviews with joe, on zoom, on how much chemistry you and joe have on set. you haven't spent much time with joe outside of facetime and zoom, since last week.

yesterday was a rough day, from trauma to little inconveniences that had angered you. unable to sleep, of course, had angered you even more. you wanted to cry, but you couldn't. it was just a feeling of anger.

you got up, and walked to your kitchen. you opened your closet, hoping to treat yourself to some chocolates jamie had gotten you a few days ago.

as you grabbed them, you heard your back door open, which was weird. you knew that all of your friends would normally knock on the front door, and never come through the back. you pulled out a knife and flipped it through your hands, as you slowly made your way to the back door.

tip-toeing, you here a sigh, and a loud thud, which looked
like books falling down to ground.

you dropped the knife on the counter and walked closer to the back door, to see joe hyperventilating with his hands running through his hair, panting back and forth.

"joe? are you-", before you could even finish your sentence, joe whimpered and wrapped his arms around you. he didn't say anything, just hugged you as tight as he could.

you dropped your shoulders and wrapped your arms around his neck, and smiled while using one of your hands to rub his back.

"i just need you right now.."

in a way, it wasn't sexual. he needed someone to hold him, and take care of him. you knew joe didn't really have that, so you tried your absolute best to make sure joe knew that you loved him and would take care of him for the rest of your life.

smiling, you answered. "oh- okay..".

he let go and you felt him shiver all over. you laid your fingers and hands around his forehead, cheeks, and the sides of his neck.

"jesus christ you're cold! here, i'll start to make some tomato soup for you, and you go bathe yourself in some warm water. okay?"

he looked at you in awe, and softly nodded. you knew that when he was upset, he didn't like to bother you, or talk about it. never forcing it out of him, you let him take as much time as he needs.

you watched him as he picked up towels from your closet, and threw them over his shoulder. you smiled at yourself while walking to the pantry, to grab the soup ingredients. before you reached up to grab them, you felt a warm pair of arms wrap around your waist, and a large hand pull down your white tank top.

"thank you, sunshine."

you smiled as he said this, and kissed his cheek.

"of course joe. i'm always here for you."

he softly kissed your lips, and twisted your hair around his finger. he then walked away to the bathroom and you started preparing the soup.

——45 minutes later—-

you noticed that joe still wasn't out the shower yet. it was pretty weird considering he only takes 20 minutes to shower. you set the soup in the microwave and closed it, without starting it.

you walked over to bathroom, knocking. in a calming voice, you called out his name.

"joe? you okay honey?

the door slowly opened, and you walked over to wear he was on the floor.

"go away.", he said as he wiped his eyes and stuffed his face into his knees.

"it's okay, i'm here honey. im not gonna hurt you-"

"i said out!", he said, angrily.

"o-oh. okay. i'm sorry." you said, uncrossing your legs, getting up. you closed the door behind you, but not slamming it. you walked to the living room, and prepared the couch for him to sleep on.

you laid out pillows, blankets, and his soup. you even turned on the lamp for him, because you know he hates to sleep in the dark, unless he's with someone.

you took off your slides as you stepped into your room, and turned off the tv. you closed the door, and began to get into your bed. a few tears fell down your cheek. you hated when joe was upset, but you knew you couldn't let him see it hurt you.

10 minutes pass by, and you were slowly starting to fall asleep. you heard your door open, and close. the side of your bed sunk as someone slipped in it.

"i c-came here, because, i had a nightmare..", he said, stuttering and placing his arm around you.

you turned around and sat up in your bed, turning on your lamp.

"it was that...you d-died?"

"i'm here joe..and as alive as can be." you giggled as you said so. you knew that joe had nightmares often, and it really affected him. you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer, as he whimpered in your ears.

"i love you..you know that? right?"

"i know honey. i love you so."

he snuggled into your shoulder as he laid on top of you. you pulled the covers on top of you both, and you ran your fingers through his hair.

"please don't cry baby. i will always be here."

"i- i know..", he says as he wipes his tears, and you kissed his soft wet lips.

"i love you, so, so, so much."

"i love you more. so much more."

joseph quinn / dacre montgomery imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now