act I.

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in which it begins

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         There were nine people on the bridge waiting, all for one man. Albus Dumbledore strode out from the entrance hall, a solemn expression on his face. Newt walked to meet him, leaving behind the others. They met midway, and Dumbledore was the first to speak. "Is it true? About Leta?" He looked into Newt's face, taking in the despair. "Yes." His response was quiet, and the wizard avoided the gaze of his former professor, searching around the grounds, as though expecting someone. Dumbledore shook his head, his frown deepening, "I'm so sorry," before he could speak again, Newt held up what he had been holding, he hadn't let it out of his sight since that night in the Graveyard. The silver phial glittered in the sun, all too innocent looking for what he suspected it was. The older man's expression dropped, something akin to grief, surprise and horror dancing across his expression.

          "It's a blood pact, isn't it." Newt finally glanced at his professor, his gaze questioning. He continued, "You swore not to fight each other." Dumbledore's face crumpled. He nodded, gaze transfixed on the tiny phial. Albus impulsively reached out, taking it from Newt, he felt the magic pulse through his palm, a pounding swell of ancient magic rushing through him, so unlike the siren's echo he had been faced with over the past years. "How in the name of Merlin did you manage to get-" Before he could finish speaking, Newt's face eased for the first time. There was a faint snuffle, and the younger man reached into his coat, and out fell a little black niffler, who sniffed around in the cold air, searching for anything shiny in his vicinity. Albus let out an almost disbelieving laugh, looking at the little creature in awe. "Grindelwald doesn't seem to understand the nature of things he considers simple," Newt rushed out. Dumbledore gave a huff, before raising his arms up above his head, looking over the young Scamander's shoulder towards the group at the other end of the bridge, where the Head of the Auror Department, Theseus Scamander, stood waiting with the others. With a wave of his wand, the eldest Scamander brother released the shackles on Dumbledore's wrists. Albus watched as the blood oath floated between himself and Newt, the niffler sniffing curiously at it then at Dumbledore.

         "Can you destroy it?" Asked Newt, watching his old professor with apprehension. "Maybe," he replied, "Maybe." Albus grabbed the oath from the air, looking at Newt, then the niffler. He paused for a moment, hesitating, before asking, "Would he like a cup of tea?" The Scamander looked at him, before saying "He'll have some milk." As the two began to walk, Newt leaned over to his professor, looking down at the creature in his arms. "Hide the teaspoons." The niffler looked up at him, before scrambling to get away.

         "Yeah, yep, yep, yea." He set the Niffler on the ground, watching as it scuttled away, darting towards the castle. 

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