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Author's Note

Hallo! Sorry for the huge pause between updates, I had to move to another country (Gotta love studying abroad!) Anyways, updates might be a little more sporadic but hopefully I'll pull through. Enjoy the update, feel free to leave comments and stuff, I'd love to chat! :D

         Seeing the confused faces of his companions, Albus was quick to elaborate

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         Seeing the confused faces of his companions, Albus was quick to elaborate. "Professor Hicks managed to foil an assassintion, and you are alive and you are well," he said as he gestured to Theseus and Rooney. "The fact that everything didn't go precisely to plan, was precisely the plan." He finished, Lally nodded, glancing around, "Countersight 101." Theseus shook his head, pulling Rooney closer. "Albus forgive me, but aren't we back where we started?" The auror questioned, staring at his old defence professor. The older man's face crumpled, and he returned, "Actually, I would argue that things are a great deal worse. You haven't told them, have you?" He asked Lally, arms crossed and face knowing. The charms professor opened her mouth; hesitating, before she told the group, "Grindelwald's been allowed to stand in the election."

         Their faces dropped. Rooney stepped out of Theseus' arms in shock, "No, really?"


         "But How?" They chorused, exchanging bewildered glances, "Because Vogel chose easy over right," Albus told them, turning. He began to cast an image in the air around them, and Rooney stepped forwards in recognition, "Bhutan." Two voices echoed, Rooney and Newt exchanging grins as they spoke simultaneously. "Correct, three points to Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw." Rooney pumped her arm, "Yes!" She whispered, before sheepishly smiling at the others, who had turned to stare as she celebrated. "What? I have house pride, arseholes."
Theseus rolled his eyes at her fondly, before turning back to Dumbledore. "Yes, the kingdom of Bhutan sits high in the Eastern Himalayas, it's a place of indescribably beauty-" Rooney nodded, cutting in, "There's a lot of ancient magic that has its roots in the temple there. A lot of what we know about Divination and Blood Magic stems from the Himalayas, and Bhutan is said to have extraordinary-" She paused, realising that the group were staring at her, she glanced at their faces, Jacob and Lally were looking at her with a mixture of awe and amusement, Theseus had a look she couldn't quite recognize in his eyes, Albus was waiting patiently for her to finish and Newt was staring at her with exasperation. "What? I read. Anyways, I've heard that if you listen closely while at the temples, and if you are worthy, the past whispers to you."

         Albus nodded, "Thank you, Rooney, another three points to Ravenclaw. Now, Bhutan also happens to be where the election will be held." Understanding dawned on the group's faces, and Theseus tentatively posed the question they were all wondering, "He can't win, can he?" Dumbledore sighed, hugging his arms to his chest. "Only a few days ago he was a fugitive from justice. Now he is an official candidate in the International Confederation of Wizards." He paused, turning to look at the auror, "Dangerous times favour dangerous men." With that, the Hogwarts professor flicked his wand, dissolving the charm he had used to create the image. "By the way, we'll be dining with my brother in the village. Should you need anything before then, Minerva is here." He walked out of the Great Hall in a rush, leaving the group of five behind him. "Dumbledore has a brother?" Lally asked, glancing at them in surprise. Rooney nodded, "Aberforth! He's an interesting man, that one." Theseus glanced at Newt, nodding.
"What now?" Jacob asked them, and Newt was quick to volunteer. "Jacob, Lally, I could show you around the grounds, if you'd like? Or you could step in on the Charms classroom, I daresay that they'd love to have you-" Rooney nodded in excitement, "Oh yes, I've heard that Filius was just made the Professor this year I'd love to see him again, I'm relatively certain that he's assigned your book as part of the coursework, Lally." Theseus glanced at Newt who was wiggling his eyebrows at him, as though he were trying to communicate through facial expressions.

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