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Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait, but the new chapter is here! This one was a little more difficult for me to write, and I'm still not entirely happy with the 'combat' scene if you could call it that, but it works for now lol. This act of the story is coming to a close, and I'm curious to here where you think it's going to go! Votes and Comments are always welcome, I'd love to interact with you guys! Let me know what you think :D much love!

 This act of the story is coming to a close, and I'm curious to here where you think it's going to go! Votes and Comments are always welcome, I'd love to interact with you guys! Let me know what you think :D much love!

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          They talked for a while, Aberforth bringing them coffee and tea as they waited for Lally and Jacob to join them. Once they were all there, they made their way back up to the castle, where Albus met them at the Entrance Hall. "Right, this way, we've not got all day to do this so we'd best get a spot to eat in the Great Hall then head to the Come and Go Room." They followed him, and the group was quickly split as they moved to different tables, joining the students there. Lally and Jacob sat with the Gryfindors, while the others moved to their old house tables out of habit. Rooney quickly fell into conversation with a set of twins, whom she learned were called "Ariadne and Atalanta Lovegood," though they preferred Aria and Tala respectively. They were vibrant third years, and she greatly enjoyed telling them stories of the magical creatures she grew up with, "The hardest part is finding them, you see, you'd need some sort of magical lens to find them, Dragons have much better eyesight. It was always a source of much amusement to me that I found a great deal of Wrackspurts fluttering about Professor Prendergast's head, I always thought that was what made him so biggoted. I'm ever so glad that Sluggy replaced him, you two." The girls nodded in synchrony, listening with rapt attention as she went on to detail the time she had found a Nargle sneaking into their transfiguration professor's private quarters.

         Newt glanced at Theseus, who, instead of eating, seemed to be transfixed by his best friend, who was sitting across from them and in deep conversation with two blonde girls. One of the first years leaned over to Newt, whispering, "What's wrong with him?" And pointing to his brother, who had sighed and set both his arms on the table, resting his hand on one as he watched her fondly. Newt ducked his head, grinning towards the child, before whispering back, "That's my brother Theseus, he's the Head of the Auror Department. He's a bit love sick, that's his girlfriend over there, you see," He pointed to his best friend, who was now using big hand movements to describe some kind of creature to the girls, who were nodding, fascinated. The first year nodded to himself, before going back to his group of friends and pointing at Theseus, whispering to themselves over what Newt had told him. Newt grinned before standing up, setting his hand on his brother's shoulder as he did, startling him. "C'mon Theseus, we've got to head out now," the auror nodded, still off kilter, and wandered over to Rooney.

         "Roon, darling, we've got to head out," He told her offering his hand, unknowingly furthering the Hufflepuff table's belief, the woman sighed, nodding up at him and taking his hand, standing, "Alright girls, I've been summoned apparently, but do write me! You both are wonderful company," Theseus smiled at her as she bid the children farewell, telling her softly as they walked out of the Great Hall, "You'd be a fantastic mum."

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