I've been asked frequently,"why do you like running so much?, it's terrible" and I've always answered "it lets me get lost in my thoughts".
But there's more to it you see, it doesn't let me get lost in my thoughts. It's a chance I have to rid of all my problems. It's my escape.
I'm too busy controlling my breathing, to busy dreaming of what life would be like being someone else. I don't worry about having a single mother, I don't worry about how my moms always tight on money, I don't worry.
Having a single mother, isn't the best. Sometimes she doesn't have enough money at the end of the month to go buy us food. I worry that my brother isn't eating, I worry he won't be able to do the things I did at his age because we are tight on money, I worry way to much at such a young age.
I've always been told, "don't cry, people have it worse than you". But at the end of the day, I end up crying. It sucks seeing friends go out, go buy new clothes, go get new shoes, or even just eat out. I don't have the privilege of being able to do that.
Sometimes life's hard for me. Well, maybe all the time. But I've learned you won't always get what you want in life, but just be happy with what you have. I've learned to be grateful for eating out once and a while, or getting a new pair of shoes every year, or even just having the support of my family. And I'm eternally grateful for what I have.
Running is something that helped me realize all of this. It's an amazing feeling to have control of your life. Running gives me that.