Well I'm pregnant

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"Come on I did it last night!" He exclaimed looking over at his wife who sat opposite him, a blanket over her lap holding a fancy glass filled with a smoothie that he made, truly looking like royalty.

She shrugged, "then you should be fine to do it again tonight."

Paul scoffed, he didn't have the words to argue back.

"What so you're not going to help out ever again?" He laughed, she smirked.

"I didn't say that, but." she looked down at her stomach, "it is sorta your husbandly duties since, well; I'm pregnant."

Paul sighed, "I guess. But you can't use that excuse every time you don't want to do something."

Emma smirked an evil glint in her eye, "okay."

Paul caught it, "no. Emma! You know I can't resist you" Emma's smirk only widened, "This isn't fair" he sighed laughing to himself already giving up and taking out the rubbish.


Paul hummed as he moved gracefully around the kitchen.

Damn Emma for getting an actual song stuck in his head, and double that for him not absolutely hating it.

What had this girl done to him?

Finishing up his grilled cheese he turned to flop the finishing product on his prepared plate.

Then turning back around he turned off the stove, placing the spatula back down on the bench.

This gave the vulture just enough time to strike.

Turning again he prepared to eat his food but instead found Emma gobbling it down.

"Well since you asked so nicely, I'll make another for you" Paul laughed rolling his eyes.

"Oh no need this one's fine" Emma mumbled her mouth full of grilled cheese.

Paul sighed, "well I guess you've claimed that one."

Emma chuckled, "snooze you loose Matthews."

Paul had already accepted defeat as he began to prepare another one.

He listened on as Emma sighed contently, munching happily.

"Is it good?" He laughed.

"So good" she replied, "I don't think I could have waited any longer for this" she mumbled licking the grease off her fingers.

"Hmm imagine having to wait to eat" he laughed rolling his eyes again.

"Can I have another one?" She asked her voice going higher in pitch as the puppy dog eyes came over her, a pout on her lips.

"Another one?" Paul fake gasped, "if you think you're getting this one you're crazy" he pointed at the one in the pan, a laugh escaping his lips.

"Why not?" Emma whined.

"Because. You just ate the one that I made for myself, now I'm making another one for myself. You can wait for me to eat or make one yourself after me."

Emma pouted, but then an idea came to her.

"Well I'm pregnant, growing your child might I add, who need's your grilled cheese to grow."

"Oh is that so?"


"Specifically mine"


"And what if I don't?"

Emma thought for a second before shrugging "I don't think you'd want to find out"

Paul shook his head flopping the cooked grilled cheese down on the same plate, conceding. "Okay. But this is the last time that excuse works" he warned.

Emma nodded taking a bite immediately, knowing full well this would not be the last time.

"I like this" she thought aloud.


"Being pregnant, it has it's perks"

"Good for you."


"Ughhh the light is so annoying!" Emma whined squishing her face into her pillow.

"Can you turn it off?"

Paul sighed, he was lying next to her just as snuggled in as her.

"Why can't you do it?" He tested.

Emma grunted, "because I don't want to" she whined.

Paul rolled his eyes, sighing exasperatedly. "Well" he started, pausing for dramatic affect.

"I guess it's not going off, because I'm not moving." Paul protested.

Emma grumbled, "please?"

Paul hummed thoughtfully, "what's in it for me?"

"Uh you don't have to deal with an angry wife"


"Plus I'm pregnant and you need to look after me" she scoffed, knowing once again she had the perfect argument that he couldn't argue with.

Paul sighed loudly, making his annoyance known, "Okay fine, I guess you're right, but you can't get your way every time."

Emma rolled onto her side sighing to herself, we'll see about that.


"I don't want to cook tonight" Emma whined throwing herself over Paul.

"I can if you want" Paul suggested, "it won't be as good as yours though."

She paused in thought, "Hmm I don't know, I don't really feel like anything in the house" she sighed, snuggling in deeper to his chest.

"We could order in" He added.

Emma hummed, " I could go for something greasy. But we had burger's yesterday, we should probably go for something healthier today."

"Well you are pregnant, that's as good of an excuse as any."

Emma nodded "true"

She sat up "yeah, fuck it. You only live once right?"

Paul nodded.

"Great, how about pizza?" Emma stood up walking over to where they kept a bunch of loose menu's.


Paul went back to his book, his mind still on their conversation, maybe he could reap the benefits also.

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