A pregnancy test

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Paul had had a mostly uneventful day.

Aside from maybe the printer breaking, inflicting a small amount of chaos in the office.

In all fairness he was glad to be heading home. Yes, he enjoyed being with his friends but my god they could be draining.

He also missed his Emma.

That was a big part of coming home now, hugging and kissing the love of his life as he winded down for the night, using her as his recharge.

He sighed once he had pulled his car into the driveway, finally feeling like he could breathe.

He pulled up his briefcase doing everything as he did every other day, walking up to the door after he had locked his car, double and triple checking to make sure he did so correctly.

Then he unlocked the door with ease, opening it up and walking inside, immediately placing his keys and briefcase in their designated places, before slipping off his shoes to neatly place to the side.

Emma had soon walked out of their bedroom, dressed in leggings and an oversized jumper, she held her laptop in her arms, intently reading something on it.

She looked up for a brief second, and smiled as she saw him standing there.

"Hi" she smiled.

"Hi" he repeated.

"How was work?" She placed her laptop down on the couch before walking over to him pulling him into a hug.

"Alright" he sighed, "you know, work."

Emma hummed at his words.

"How was your day? Did you get much done on your assignment?"

She nodded, "yeah I got a fair bit done, so overall a fairly good day."

Paul nodded, "I'm glad."

"I'm just finishing up a little proof reading"

"Okay" he smiled.

And with that she headed over to the couch as Paul continued on to the bathroom.

He had done his business as usual, his mind in a relaxed state.

But when he turned around he paused.

He just looked at it for a little bit, mind thinking intently.

Then he picked it up. He inspected it for a bit, mind still thinking intently.

Still holding it he left the bathroom.

In the living room he found Emma sitting comfortably on the couch, she appeared to be done proof reading as her laptop sat to the side, the screen down.

"Um Emma" he paused unsure of what to say. "What is this?" He held the small object up.

"what do you think it is dumbass" she laughed.

Stupid question he knew what it was, "Yeah but what is it doing in our house?"

"I don't know, someone must be pregnant" she sarcastically remarked.

Paul sounded nervous, "Is... is it your's?" he asked hesitantly.

"No it's probably the other person in our house who can become pregnant."

Paul chuckled, "no but seriously are you- are you pregnant?"

Emma's joking manner faded, a sheepish smile forming onto her face, "maybe? I don't know honestly. Does that look positive to you?"

Paul inspected it closely squinting an eye as he brought it closer to his face.

"Maybe." He hesitantly whispered.

Emma nodded.

"If it is." Emma paused, "Would you be- happy?"

"Like- are you up for it?"

Paul shrugged his face growing slightly more pale, "maybe? I mean I'm happy with whatever, you know? If you want to I'm happy, if you don't I'll support you. Either way I'm here for you."

Emma nodded, growing silent as she numbly stared into the distance.

"Would you?" Paul whispered, brushing his hand along her jaw swiftly, turning her attention back to him.

Emma shrugged frowning, "I don't know" she confessed

She chuckled softly, "it's funny. If you asked me that a few years ago the answer would have been a straight no. But now... now, I actually don't hate the idea." She shrugged looking down at the floor, "But that's the part that's scary, it's like I'm a different person, like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not. You know?"

Paul nodded, "yeah I get that. But it's okay to change and grow, it's a part of life, yeah?"

She nodded "I guess?"

Paul pulled her into his chest, wrapping his arms around her tiny frame and resting his head on her shoulder.

"You also don't have to decide right now okay? Just take it day by day and we'll see where it takes us." He rubbed her back as he spoke.

"And I'll be here with you no matter what happens" he added once again, pulling her back to look her in the eyes.

She nodded, a small smile coming to her face, "thanks Paul."


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