Welcome to Derry

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A/N: All the charters are 14. The losers do have some kind of bond that they got after Pennywise (can feel each other's emotions and can communicate with each other with their minds) Hopper didn't fake die in season 3 either.

When Will and El heard that they would be moving to Buttfuck Nowhere Maine (or just Derry) with two months left of summer, they were upset to say the least. But when their friends had convinced their parents to let them stay the summer in Will and Els new town. They had made it to Derry a few hours ago and had brought all the boxes into the Byers-Hoppers new house. Joyce and Hop told them to go explore the town and make some friends. The group agreed and started walking down the sidewalk.

They had passed about three houses, joking, laughing, and talking about anything and everything when a kid around their age with auburn hair in a flannel and jean shorts walked out and and yelled, "H-h-hey, trashmouth, you're late! W-who are these people?" He was looking straight at Mike. The first thing they noticed was his stutter.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Mike yelled back, confused.

"T-t-tozier, cut it o-o-out. Where the hell are y-y-your glasses?" The kid said, tilting his head.

Mike just said, "I'm not Tozier, man!" The stuttering boy stood there, staring at the Party for a few seconds. He blinked a few times and shook his head, confused.

"You really aren't Richie." He said without a stutter this time. He was going to talk, but a voice from a little farther down the road cut him off.

"Billiam Denbrough!" Everyone looked in the direction of the voice and saw a boy who looked just like Mike but with bad style and big glasses pull up on a bike. He stopped and dropped his bike before following the other boys gaze to look at the party. "Who the fuck are they? Oh shit! Man's got my damn face!" Richie said before running in the house in a panic.

The stuttering kid sighed. "Wanna come in? W-we were about to go to the quarry. Y-you guys can g-g-go, too."

The party shrugs and follows the stuttering boy in. They were all really excited to learn more about their friends doppelgänger. They entered the house and followed the boy down into the basement.

"Don't you think it's a little dangerous to go into the basement of people we don't know?" Will whispered to Dustin who sighed.

"Maybe. But they have a weird Mike twin, so it's fine." Dustin said. When they got to the bottom of the steps, there were six people watching a movie. A curly haired boy was on the couch. Next to him was an empty space and then a redhead girl and a heavyset boy who were cuddling. On the floor with his head between the curly haired boys legs was Richie from earlier. The curly haired boy was twisting some of Richies hair. Richie had his arm around a small boy who's head was in his shoulder. There was a black boy laying on the ground and resting his head on the small boys thighs. The curly haired boy was the first to notice them walking down the stairs.

"Bill, what the hell? You went to make popcorn and we feel Richies scared out of his damn mind, and next thing we know Richies falling down the stairs saying someone has his face. And then you walk in with," He stops when he sees Mike W. He then says very slowly, "The guy who has Richies face?" All the losers were silent, staring at the party, mostly Mike Wheeler.

"See I told you mother fuckers it wasn't that damn clown!" Richie yelled, pointing at Mike W.

"Richie!" The small boy groaned at the word clown. "Was it the best ideas to bring six strangers into your house, Bill? There's so many things that could go wrong!" He said, sitting up

"I think i-its safe, Eddie. Promise." Everyone immediately looked okay with them being there. "You guys c-can take a seat, if you want." The auburn hair boy said, walking over and sitting in the empty space on the couch. His head laying on curly hairs lap and legs going over the boy and girl at the end.

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