The fake Uris

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"Hey dad!" Richie said to Donald Uris, who opened the door. He knitted his eyebrows together before looking to Hopper.

"Hey, Richard. What happened to your face? Why are you with the cops?" The Donald asked.

"Richies here? With the cops?" A kid yelled, running up next to the man. "What the hell?"

"Stanley!" The man said. Stanley frowned and muttered an apology.

"Sorry to bother you. I'm officer Jim Hopper. I just saw Richie getting roughed up and decided to bring him home. This is his home, right? He tried taking me to the Kaspbrack residence first." Hopper said, eyeing the kid. Stanley looked at Richie like he messed up.

"I was wanting my sweet, sweet Mrs. K. Can't blame me for it, can you hoppy?" Richie joked. Stanley rolled his eyes, same with Hopper.

"Yes, this is his home. Thank you, officer. We were worried." Rabbi Uris said. "Come on in, Richard. Thank you again, sir." Stanley pulled Richie in after his father was done talking. "My goodness. Richard, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a few bumps and bruises. Can we go up to Stannys room?" Richie spoke sweetly.

"Yes, you go get cleaned up. I'm sure Andrea wouldn't mind having you over for dinner?"

"Thank you, sir." Richie said, walking up the stairs. The Uris family was the only family that hadn't been effected by Derry. They still cared about the kids and helped them where they could. Donald was the Rabbi and Andrea was a stay at home mom. They let Richie stay over when he wanted and never tried making him talk about what was wrong. Their only issue was all the pressure they put on Stan. They expected so much of him, and he was always trying his best. It was never good enough. You would think that they would lower their expectations when their daughter had decided to move in with extended family in Indiana at the age of 13. She had been gone almost 4 years now. Nobody was to speak of her. Ever. Stan hadn't seen or heard from her since he was ten.

Richie sat on the bed in Stans overly clean room as he waited for Stan to get the stuff to clean his face.

"Bowers?" -Stan

He used the power on Richie only instead of everyone.

"Yeah. I was on the way home. Pushed me off my bike. Couldn't shut my big mouth." -Richie

"If you were going to come here, why deflect the powers. Everyone's gonna find out. No point in hiding your emotions about it" -Stan

"Didn't want anyone to worry about nothing. Not like this hasn't happened before." -Richie

"You're careful about when you let us feel your emotions. Why?" -Stan

"I don't know. I've been considering being more open, Stanny. Like mommy K's legs." -Richie

"God, you are disgusting." Stan said, walking in and putting the stuff on the bed. He began wiping off the blood. "Your twin doesn't seem to like us all that much."

"He'll only be here for a couple of months. Then he'll forget. Don't gotta deal with him for long."

"True. His friend and girlfriend. If they hang out with us, will they interfere with the plan?" Stan was worried about that, they all were. The plan was the only thing keeping them going. Other than each other. Richie didn't blame him, he was just as worried.

"Shit, I don't know. Hope not. The cop that brought me here lives with them. They told him about me being their friends twin."

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