My Rock!

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"Can we go in alone and then you guys can help with our 10 bags?" Richie asked. The party nodded, letting them go in.

They saw the living room first. Fully furnished. "Holy shit. I didn't think it would be furnished..." Stan said.

Ben gawked, walking over to the price tag on the couch. "With brand new stuff."

"Think we have new beds?" Richie asked.

"Go check, dumbass." Mike said, unfocused.

"Okay." Richie shrugged before literally skipping off.

"I'm dating a child." Eddie said, walking into the kitchen. "Ben! This kitchen is fucking awesome!" Eddie yelled. He and Ben baked together sometimes.

"Holy shit! Bev!" Richie yelled.

"Trashmouth!" She called back.

"Come look at the bathroom!" Richie yelled.

"I thought you were looking at bedrooms?" Stan called.

"I got distracted by the fucking bathroom!"

"E-everyone get with your roommates and go cl-claim a room." Bill said, grabbing Stan's hand.

Richie put on a deep, growling voice and said "Spaghetti!" As he ushered Eddie into a room.

"Ben, come here! I found ours!" Mike said.

"You left me the one closest to the bathroom?" Beverly asked with a laugh. "Thanks, boys." Everyone was looking in their rooms.

"G-guys! There's beds and dr-dressers!" Bill yelled.

"Mine only has one bed. What about you guys?" Bev called.

Everyone responded with '2' and they realized that whoever furnished the place also had the intention of one of them sleeping alone. Probably Bev.

"Let's go get our shit." Eddie said, leading the way out the door.

"How do you like it? Karen and Ted bought all of the furniture and had movers put it in." Joyce smiled.

"It's amazing, Mrs. B." Mikey said. Beverly opened the back of the van and ten of the fifteen people grabbed a bag. They walked in and sat them in the middle of the living room floor.

"Is anything in any of these fragile?" Mike asked. The losers shook their heads no and agreed to just dump out all the bags one at a time.

The first bag they dumbed was Richies. It contained crazy colored clothes, an empty flask, the things they all kept for each loser, a toy car, a lighter, a decent sized rock, a hair tie, and a plastic solo cup.

"Oh, yay, that's my bag!" He said looking at his stuff. "My rock!" He said, grabbing the rock and kissing it. Everyone looked confused but let him put his stuff back in the bag and taking it to his and Eddie's room.

The next bag was Bills. It had his clothes, a stuffed turtle, a kids soccer jersey, the things they all kept for each other, tons of pens and pencils, and a bunch of portraits of the losers that they didn't know he made. Richie immediately snatched them up.

"Holy shit. I've seen some of your portraits, Bill, but I've never seen these." He said, showing them to Eddie and passing them down.

"These are really good." Stan said. Bill grabbed them back from him and took his bag to his room.

The next bag was Stan's. It had clothes, a Torah, the stuff they all kept, a few fake plants, kippahs, a few of the other losers clothes, a flashlight, a few rings of Beverly's, and a comb.

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