Thats all it comes down to

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"I'm here for the orgy, fuckers!" Richie yelled after slamming the door as hard as he could. He know Stan and his parents were at church and that it was just the rest of his friends at the Uris home. He saw Mike on the phone, eyes wide. Beverly was laughing at the bottom of the stairs. Bill ran into the room.

"Richie! M-mikes on th-th phone with your mo-mom!" He said.

"Maggie? Tell her to pass back out. I ain't coming back tonight. I will first thing tomorrow." Richie said, brushing it off.

"N-no! Your biological moth-mother!"

"Shit. Give me the phone, Mr. Tdh." Richie said, walking to the phone and taking it. "Hello?"

"Richard? Is it you?" The woman on the other like asked.

"The fuck? Don't call me Richard. It's Richie."

"Michale called me. Your twin?"

"Yes ma'am. I met him. Little shits adorable. But maybe I'm bias." Richie laughed. Eddie and Ben had come downstairs.

"Rich?" Eddie asked, stopping next to Bev. Richie held out his free arm for Eddie.

"One second, whatever your name is. C'mere Spaghetti." Eddie walked over. He clung to Richies body and Richie put his free arm around Eddie. He kissed him on the head. "I missed you, Ed's." He whispered. The only people who heard it were Eddie and the lady on the line. "Anyways, so I guess that means you're technically my mom."

"Um- yeah. My names Karen Wheeler. I was wondering if one day you would like to meet me, your biological father, and your sisters."

"Oh...I'll definitely think about it." Richie said. He was lying. He wouldn't want to meet them, but he didn't want to outright reject her.

"My family and I are coming up in two weeks. We've been great friends with the Byers and the Hoppers for quite some time. We can meet then, if you'd like?"

"Well, this damned town is so small I'll have to see ya." Richie joked uncomfortably.

"Can I explain why I gave you up?" Karen asked. Richie squeezed Eddie a little tighter.

"I mean, if you want. Im not all that curious about it.."

"Don't lie to me, Richard. I did it because my husband said he would leave if I kept the both of you. My sister, the woman who raised you, can't have kids. So I let her have you."

"Well, darlin' I gotta say, after some time her and Went really started regretin' thatn'." Richie said in his country guy voice.

"Michale told me. And I wanted to apologize. Im sorry, I knew that they would be that way at some point. But at the time they both had gotten sober."

"Oh, well it isn't that bad. I'm perfectly tiptop and shit."

"Language- sorry. I say that to my children and their friends." She remembered she didn't know this kid and couldn't control him. "So I guess I'll be seeing you in two weeks." She said awkwardly. The Uris family walked in and smiled at the losers. Stan went over to Bill, who was sitting against the stair railing, and put his head on Bills shoulder. His parents just watched. Bev was cuddled up to Ben on the stairs. Mike was behind Ben, playing with his hair.

"Yes ma'am, I have to go. I'll make sure to call you back tomorrow. If that's okay?" Richie said.

"Okay, sweety. I look forward to hearing from you." And Richie hung up.

"Who was that, son?" Donald Uris asked. He was a kind-ish person.

"My mom." Richie said calmly. The Uris parents shared a look of confusion. "Alright, losers. Ready for this ride?"

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