Time skip!!!

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It's the day before the Wheelers visit to Derry. They didn't know how long they would be there. Karen was rushing through the house in a panic, making sure Ted and her daughters were packed and ready.

"Come on guys! Please! We have to go!" She yelled. It was about thirty minutes later that they left the house. They had a whole night of traveling to do until they got to see Mike again. They all missed him. Even Ted who pretended not to care. And they were all nervous about meeting Richard. They weren't sure how he would react to meeting them. It could go any way and they weren't ready for it.

They were on the bus to Derry. Ted and Holly had fallen asleep and Karen was sitting silently holding Nancy's hand. "Mom?"

"Yes, Nance?"

"What if he doesn't want us?" Nancy asked. She was being very quiet.

"I don't know, darling. I hope we can keep him in our lives. Even if he doesn't come back with us at the end of summer."

"I'm excited to see Mike. And Johnathan. I've missed them both so much." Nancy said. "I just...can't believe Johnathan is staying up here." She said sadly.

"I'm sure everything will be fine between you two."

And with that, everything was quiet and they went to sleep.


It was the next day. The Wheelers were knocking on the door of the Byers-Hopper new house. They knew that Mike was there, but not where Richard was or when she'll see him. The door opened to reveal Joyce. Everyone smiled as they walked in, waiting on the kids and Johnathan. Mike ran in, wrapping his mother in a hug. His sisters and father joined in. The Wheelers then gave greetings to their sons friends and El. Johnathan and Nancy were all wrapped up in each other. Everyone was talking for about an hour. Catching up.

Then, there was an awkward silence. The windows in the living room were open, curtains closed, and the front door was opened. There really wasn't a reason why. They just were. During the silence, there was yelling from outside.

"Give me my cigarettes you mother fucking Trashmouth!" A girl yelled.

"Fuck no! They're mine now!" Boy #1 yelled.

"Give her the fucking things so that we can go back to Bills, you moron!" Boy #2 said without malice.

"No, Stanile! She judged my alcohol!" Boy #1

"Because your choices are nasty as fuck!" The girl

"They aren't that damn bad!" Boy #3 yelled nicely

"Do you not remember the shit from that one sleepover? Shit was nasty!" Boy #4 yelled

"That's because we were high and in a vehicle that was moving 90 miles an hour, haystack! Plus, Eddie's mom said she loves the taste of it on my lips!" Boy #1

"Beep fucking beep!" Boy #5

"Je-Jesus, man. J-j-just give them back!" Boy #6

"No! Ed's, my love, back me up! You love my alcohol." Boy #1

"It is good. But if you dont give her the cigarettes back I'm gonna fuck you up!" Boy #5

"That's hot. I thought you loved me!" Boy #1

"B-Bev gets scary wh-when she doesn't have th-them! Pl-please!" Boy #6

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