Its like Thanksgiving!

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A/N: TW use of the Q slur. Also Went is being a dick again🙄

The Uris family has a lot of space in their house and two giant tables that seat 14 people each in their gigantic dining room. They had hired some people from church to cook and serve the food to the 26 people who would be there tonight.

"Stanley! Come here, let me make sure your hairs okay!" Andrea called. Stan walked in and his mother started messing with his hair and his shirt.

"Mom! Seriously it's fine. Most of these people have seen me worse than this!" Just then, the bell rang. "Thank god." Stan muttered. He ran to open the door and Saw Beverly and Eva Marsh. Bev was wearing a dress and looked like she hated it. Stan stifled a laugh. Beverly smiled as her and her aunt walked in. She handed Andrea some flowers.

"Thank you, Beverly." His mother said.

Bev walked over to Stan and wrapped him in a hug. "Do you have some clothes I can wear? I can't stay in this shit." She whispered.

"Yeah, I have some of yours in my room." Stan said. Beverly let him go and ran upstairs without a word. Eva hugged Stan.

"Hey, Ms. Marsh."

"Hey, Stanny." Eva said as the bell rang again. The adults went into the sitting room. Stan opened the door to see the Denbrough family. Bills eyes lit up as his parents just passed by, not acknowledging Stan and going to the sitting room. Bill jumped at Stan, hugging him tight.

"Bevs aunts c-car is here. Where is sh-she?" Bill asked, shutting the door with his foot, still in the hug.

"Changing upstairs. She showed up in a dress. She hasn't worn a dress since-"

"La-last s-s-summer." Bill finished. After that summer, Bev stopped wearing the dresses.

"Bill!" Bev said, running and joining the hug. They always acted like they didn't see each other just yesterday. They all released the hug as the door opened. They saw the Tozier family. Richie, who had opened the door, an angry but sober Wentworth, and Maggie who looked exhausted. Wentworth pulled Richie over and held him arm so tight his knuckles were white. He whispered something in Richies ear and then shoved him over to his friends.

"Asshole." Richie said. Stan told the Toziers where the adults were and Richie hugged his friends. "Is Sonia coming?"

"No." Stan answered. Richies eyes grew.

"Then how is Eddie going to get here? He can't bike alone!"

"I don't think he is, Rich." Stan said. He knew Richie was going to sulk the rest of the night. He would still be himself, just less active.

"I'm gonna go get him. Wentworth! I'll be back in an hour and a half!" Richie yelled.

"Like hell you are, Richard." Stan said, grabbing Richies wrist.

"Richard, you better stay your ass is this house!" Maggie yelled.

"But Ed's-"

"W-will be fine. We ca-can ask Mrs. B-b-Byers to take you to get hi-him." Bill said. Richie immediately calmed and nodded. The four of them sat on the stairs until there was another knock. Stan opened the door to see Arlene and Ben Hanscome standing with William, Jessica, and Mike Hanlon. Stan led the adults to the sitting room as everyone else started talking and hugging.

"What's up with Richie?" Mike asked. He could feel the slightest bit of sadness in Richie happiness.

"He's sulking." Bev said.

"I am not!" Richie defended himself, slightly offended.

"Yes you are!" Bev argued. Richie sighed in defeat, sitting on the ground and crossing his arms.

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