Again with the clown shit?

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El and Max didn't drink that night, and wrote down everything that she found interesting or funny that people said.

• "If we did Bevs hair right, she would look like the fucking clown." -Richie.

• "I'm gonna be best friends with Mikey. Fuck all of you." -Lucas (seconds before passing out)

• "Not even gonna lie to y'all, I love all 12 of you." -Stanley

• "Shut the fuck up, Bill! That's why Ben stole your bitch." -Richie (jokingly before getting slapped by Bev)

• "What if, we all just went to Hawkins after summer?" -Will

• "I feel like Richie would be the type of guy to fall off a seven story building and be completely fine." -Ben

• "I think we should host a wedding for Mikey and Will." -Dustin (when asked why he fell asleep)

• "Shut the fuck up before I shove my dick up your goddamn ass!" -Beverly

And many more. They woke up in a huge cuddle pile the next morning. There were many people puking, taking Tylenol, and groaning. The hangovers were cured by laying in Stan's floor for three hours. After that was done, they all got into Beverly's aunts vw that they were going to take out of town in two years.

"Don't mess her up in any way. We're gonna need her." Bev said as the thirteen of them crammed in. She was speeding and blaring music with the windows down. Everyone, minus Mike and El were screaming the lyrics to 'Bohemian Rhapsody' they were going to the clubhouse to show the party. They also needed to put in all the money they had gotten in the big, tin box. They always did that on Fridays. Beverly was wearing Stan's sleep shirt and Bills sweatpants. Bill was wearing a shirt he found on the floor and some of his shorts. Richie was wearing Bills shirt from last night and some shorts. Eddie was wearing Richies (way too big) shirt and his small red shorts. Ben was wearing his clothes from the night before. Mikey was wearing one of Stan's shirts that was too big for him but fit Mikey perfectly and some jeans (Bill took his shirt). Stan was wearing his usual clothes, and so was the party. Stan had begged to make a stop at the pharmacy for more shower caps. Bev agreed because she needed more cigarettes.

Only the two of them went in, splitting so that Bev could flirt with Keene and Stan could steal the caps. Like always when they came there. The losers were disgusted at themselves for letting Bev do that, but she kept insisting she do it because they needed the money. The only thing was, there was a new worker. Joyce had gotten a job at the pharmacy and was smiling at Beverly as Stan quickly made his way to the isle before he was noticed. Bev walked up to the counter.

"Hello Mrs. Byers! I didn't know you got a job here." She said cheerfully.

"Yes, well there weren't many places here. Plus Mr. Keene is kind of a creep, I think." She said in a whisper. "Wanted him out from behind the counter sometimes. Hey, I like your ring, the one with the crystal butterfly."

"Thank you. It's real. You can look at it, if you'd like." She said, taking off the ring and 'accidentally' dropping it behind the counter as she handed it over. "I am so sorry, ma'am."

"Don't worry about it, hun." Joyce bent down to pick it up. Beverly grabbed and pocketed the pack of cigarettes she wanted.

"Go." -Beverly

Stan quietly left the store with the shower caps. Joyce stood up and handed the ring back to Beverly. "So what brings you in today, honey?"

"I came to get tampons. I wasn't expecting to start and my house is at the other end of town."

"I have a few spares in my bag if you want them. Free." Joyce said, grabbing a few out of her bag and handing them to Beverly.

"You really don't have to."

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