Love & War

537 17 1

Top Jungkook, Bottom Taehyung
Slight angst.

Jeon's household.

"I really don't get it. You work late hours and early morning... isn't it enough? I mean you barely spend time with us ." Taanymoreehyung stated.

"I'm making money to keep us under this roof, bring food to the table, and make sure I satisfied all of our needs." Jungkook snarled.

"But money isn't everything Koo, you have to always remember love too." Taehyung pleaded.

"Love doesn't pay the bills Taehyung, grow up!" Jungkook yelled.

"I make money too Jungkook, you aren't the only one bringing something to the table." Taehyung snaped.

"But not enough. Just continue doing what you do and let me handle the rest, I mean I am the one who makes the most." Jungkook rolled his eyes walking out on his husband to their bathroom.

Taehyung sat down on his bed wanting to cry but he cried so much. He doesn't really have much more to do. Jungkook and him always constantly fight and fight and fight. Taehyung can't recall the time where Jungkook started to worry more about money. He worked as a computer engineer for a famous company that sent products over the world and they had asked Jungkook to be their sponsor. Sure they had fights from time to time but they always communicated and fixed their problems through solutions and true apologies. But Jungkook got so caught in impressing and being so well liked in his company that family just didn't seem important like success.

"Are you serious right now? If you're going to cry I'm going to take the couch instead is way comfortable then being here." Jungkook asked as he grabbed his pillow and made his way to his bed.

Taehyung remained quiet and just went to sleep... Jungkook was so agitated that he couldn't really sleep. Reason being, he always needed to hug Taehyung in order to sleep. Breath in his strawberry odor. Know how perfectly he fit in his arms. He was so annoyed with everything going on, why were they even fighting in the first place? He can't even remember.

~~ Solar Phones Office

"Jungkook! You are here so early man!" Namjoon greeted his companion.

"You know it, early bird gets the worm right?" Jungkook cracked a joke. As he started to finish typing a report.

"Yeah I guess... but I would rather be the bird who is having a great time with his lover in the nest...there are plenty of worms." Namjoon smiled as he started to write a report on some budget spending.

"What? Come on man, marriage is great but in order to keep your partner satisfied money is needed." Jungkook laughed.

"Sure, if I married a gold digger. But, nah man. Imani works hard and so do I, but nothing beats coming home and just spending some loving quality time with her." Namjoon smiled.

"Hoseok are you hearing this?" Jungkook laughs.

"Kim preaching nothing but the truth. I wouldn't know what I would do without Jin in my life. Especially after he carried Kyong then Areum, Jin is my Goddess.." Hoseok smiles as he takes a sip from his latte.

"Okay I hear you both but like come on, don't you want to make sure that you keep a nice house and buy them nice things? Come on Hoseok, you have to agree with me on this one." Jungkook stated.

"Anyone can earn money for a nice house and buy your loved one everything that is oh so nice. But no amount of money can ever buy a home, they can't buy love. If it does then you know it's fake as fuck." Hoseok provided his wisdom.

"Yeah... I hear ya." Jungkook grimaced as his memory replayed all the arguments he and Taehyung had. Jungkook is always disrespecting him, bragging about his success, and always disregarding quality time with him. He then starts to think about all the times Taehyung would cook him his lunch, provide massages, always encourage him, even before success when Jungkook was unemployed, Taehyung never complained. He loves Jungkook so much. So damn much.

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