The Boy

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Read this if you like (Inspired by): The movie, The Boy (2016) I just wanted the doll to involve nothing murdery and whatnot. Just Jungkook being a bit odd and using a doll to test to see people's reaction and intentions.

~~~ England

A car was driving through a road that led to a mansion far away from the nearest town of Hillcrest, London.

"We have arrived young Sir." The chauffeur interjected.

"Thank you." Taehyung replied.

"I will take your belongings." The old kind man interjected.

"Oh... thank you." Taehyung smiled.

Taehyung looked around and noticed how beautiful the mansion is, it looked like a castle. Beautiful he thought. He entered the home and proceeded to take off his shoes. He called out softly but loud enough to notify the tenants he was here. He saw an incredible painting of the owners and their little boy. Taehyung noted his beautiful doe eyes and cute little bunny teeth. He came across a downstairs area where it was a playroom. He smiled as he saw how it was so cute and lovely.

"Why are your shoes off?" A soft voice questioned, making Taehyung squeak a bit.

"You must be Mrs.Jeon. Sorry about the noise and sorry it's a habit of my culture I can go put it on."
Taehyung stated.

"Hmm yes. I recall those days. Let's go just go, they are waiting for us." Mrs.Jeon softly commanded. Taehyung followed.

"Now Jungkook, I want you to be on your best behavior. Be a good boy." Mr.Jeon commanded softly.

"Honey. He is here." Mrs. Jeon said aloud to her husband.

"Ah yes. Welcome Taehyung to our humble abode." Mr.Jeon joyfully gleamed.

"Thank you for doing this, I'm excited to meet the little one." Taehyung responded. The parents look at each other and then they turn the chair that Jungkook was on. The little one was a lifelike doll that looked like Jungkook at the age of 8. Taehyung looked at the parents very cautiously and back at Jungkook. He smiled softly and leaned down and grabbed the doll's little hand.

"Nice to meet you Jungkook. I'm Taehyung Kim from South Korea. I hope we can have fun." Taehyung genuinely smiled. Both parents were surprised but kept silent.

"Well now that you all met. Let's move to dinner. Please join our table. Jungkook would like you there." Mrs.Jeon confirmed.

~~ Dinner.

The doll was casually staring at his food and Taehyung was staring at his own food too.

"Is it not to your liking?" Mr.Jeon asked.

"Oh no. I'm just... I don't know what it is. Smells fantastic but I just never ate this type of food..." Taehyung states as he reaches for the spoon and has a sip.

"Oh wow. Delicious." Taehyung states as the clam chowder soothes his taste buds.

"I'm guessing you are adjusted more to your Korean palette. We can ask our caterer to bring Korean meals from now on. Since you are here are you ready to sign the contract after I give you the directions to watch after Kookie." Mrs.Jeon softly commands.

"Kookie? What a sweet nickname. Should I refer to him as that?" Taehyung asked.

"I will ask him later on. He must give us the approval for you first." Mrs. Jeon tells him.

"Yes Mrs.Jeon." Taehyung responded.

After dinner, a small maid gathered Taehyung's bags and placed them in his room. She didn't go through his things. Taehyung noticed how all the maids here were old and secretive, turns out they had been old women and men that were released from their jobs to being elderly and the Jeon's hired them upon them staying quiet about the doll and they only work from 4-8 am, getting paid $115 an hour. Their duty was to clean and cook. The Jeon's were a prestigious family and they were loaded. Taehyung followed Jeon upstairs as Mrs.Jeon carried the doll.

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