Chapter 1

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We all know how Mikey doesn't get treated equally nor correctly. He's the youngest so he follows after his brothers lead, he looks up to them. Though this all changed after Mikey learned his worth. He wanted to be better, to change, to be loved. He never got any of that with the Hamato family. So why not change that? He wanted a better family.

.... So he left.

No. He didn't leave permanently, only for a couple of days.

During those days he hid in the shadows during the day, and ran above the roofs at night. He only wanted a break but he got much more. He meant a nice young lady by the name Karai. Mikey was still young, around 11, sensei never taught him much of who his enemies were, well splinter tried too but Mikey never paid attention. Because of this Mikey didn't even know who the Shredder was!

Though Mikey didn't care. He only wanted to be recognize for doing his best and to be loved for who he is.

So when he met Karai, he followed her to her "home". Once he went inside and met her father he knew he was in danger but he didn't care. This was his only opportunity to be loved.

"Hmm.. and who is this Karai?" The shredder asked in a creepy yet subtle monotone voice.

"This is my friend! His names Mikey, I bumped into him on the roofs." Karai talked super fast, she was a year older at the time, but she was still very cheerful.

"I see, why is he with you? Does he know who we are?" Shredder asked.

"I don't know Father, from what he told me, he ran away from his home because he was treated poorly." Karai's voice changed and sounded more gloomy.

"Young Mikey, is that true?"

"Yes Mr. Shredder, my brothers, they always insult me and my Sensei doesn't help me at all, he laughs at me when I mess up and calls me a failure of a student". Mikey replied with gloominess in his voice and a tear slipping from his eyes.

Shredder smiled at the boys respectful manners but frowned at his family's terrible ways.

"May I ask what your Sensei looks like, and what his name is?"

"He's a rat! And his name is Hamato Yoshi but we call him Splinter." Mikey replied with honesty.

Shredder was taken back. His mortal enemy's kid was right in front of his face, and Splinter didn't even care that his kid was missing, yet alone in a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he could get this kid to be his spy, and train with him everyday.

"I have a deal for you kid, what if you come here everyday and train to become the best ninja out of your family, but you have to tell me if your Sensei is planning something against me, okay?" Shredder asked even though it wasn't necessary a question and he'd force the kid if he said no.

"Does this mean when I get stronger I can get revenge on my family for being mean to me and treating me poorly?" Mikey asked with excitement at the thought of being the wimp to being the strongest in his family.

"Yes it does Michelangelo." Shredder had the biggest grin on his face.

"Then I accept your proposal Mr. Shredder! I want to be the best and show those who wronged me their place!" Michelangelo said with optimism and joy.

"Excellent, I was hoping you'd say yes. Now let's get started..."


Now thats how 11 year old me found my self in my brand new bedroom. I was sitting on my bed gasping at every, new, cool thing my little eyes saw. On the walls were posters, and in the shelf's were brand new comic books! I even had my own tv, and set of katanas on the grey colored wall.

I stared at the katanas in front of me, they made me mad. It reminded me of Leo, he was so rude and called me horribly names! Not only that but he was the reason I have a long scar down my eye and arm. I look like that lion, scar, from lion king. Though it does make me look pretty cool!

I want to beat Leo, so why not beat him at his own game. I will master using katanas and give Leo the same scar as me only threw his back and not eye. I smiled at the thought of seeing me stab him in his back just like he did to me, only I had no blood. I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when Shredder called me.

"Mikey! Come down here, we need to discuss some things."

I quickly jogged out of my new room and ran down the stairs. I found Karai and Shredder sitting on the kitchen table.

"Welcome Michelangelo, please take a seat." Shredder said pointing to a seat next to Karai. I smiled and took my seat.

"Let's get straight to it, since you're now apart of the foot-clan, you will undergo the same training as the foot but will have a private teacher, so you learn the basics of Ninjitsu easier and faster. Once you reach your needed skill level, you will practice with Karai. We also have a plan for you, as you are now our spy." Shredder talked slower than usually so I understood everything.

"Woahh! I get to be a spy, that's so cool!" I said, more focused than ever now.

"Yes indeed, your role is very important young Michelangelo, but only when you are fully ready. Now let's talk about how this will work."

Everyone but Shredder was quiet so we would listen to every detail. I was mainly excited because for once in my life did I get called and feel important.

"This may be a hard job, but I know you can pull it off Michelangelo. First, you'll need a code name, any ideas, Karai, Mikey?"

Both of us looked at each-other and started thinking about a good code name. We both ended up giving some dumb names here and there like black out given by me only for Karai to call it too common. And Daylight by Karai only to be called too cheerful. Then it clicked.

Midnight, it was perfect! Shredder smiled at the new name.

"Midnight.. I like it." Shredder said making me and Karai high five each other with glee.

"Now let's get back to your role Midnight. We've decided you'll go back home, you'll spy on your whole family, what their learning, how good they are, and people/interest they like. If you're family ends up being worried about you since you've technically been missing for a week, say you got kidnapped by me but I let you go. I want you to come back here every night when your family is asleep or make up and excuse, got it?" Shredder said making it short and easy.

"Yes Mr. Shredder! I got it." I replied with a smile. Shredder smiled back as an okay, good response.

"Here take this too, don't let your brothers know, and change our names to code names in case you get caught." Shredder said handing me a phone and ear piece. I took the items from his hand and said a quick thank you.

I waved goodbye and left. I had to go back "home" but as a spy.

Yes I decided to make Shredder nice to Karai and Mikey as they are only kids. Since they are young still, Dogpound, Krang, Baxter Stockman, and the other villains aren't present yet. The turtles are still undergoing training from Splinter and don't need know much about fighting either.

(Edit I made some minor changes, it won't effect how the story is going ofc!)

Word count:1321

The undercover FootNinja (Rottmntx2012 crossover)Where stories live. Discover now