Chapter 10

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Midnight sighed, he needed to decide how to make this whole situation work out. He couldn't just stay at Shredders til he got his Leo back, as his family would find not only him missing but Leonardo too. He finally came to a reasonable decision, he would have this other dimensional Leo come to his lair.

"Okay listen real closely other Leo. I've come to a decision to bring you back to my lair, just to let you know ahead of time refer to me as Mikey, okay? I'll help you out throughout the way, just try to ignore everyone and act as if you're having a rough day."

Leo nodded his head in a yes manner. Though he was following along he was a bit confused on why to call him an entirely different name. He understood why Mikey wanted him to ignore his family, he assumed it was because his behavior might differ than the Leo of this world and dimension.

"Sure, but what's with the name change?" Rottmnt Leo asked. He would've attempted to make a funny joke of it but was too genuinely confused to think one up.

Midnight kept silent for a moment and glanced at Shredder, asking for permission to say. Shredder gave a nod of approval. Midnight smiled and spilled his reasons for joining the foot-clan, to getting revenge and changing his appearance and name. Rottmnt Leo only nodded, after all he couldn't blame him, if he got treated like Mikey he'd probably act the same way. He felt rather lucky to have the siblings he does, no matter how annoying they can be he knows they'll always be there for him. 


Midnight was giving a tour around Shredders lair, the place he calls home. It was going swell and they were having random conversations, some were about Rottmnt Leo's family, his brothers along with April, whereas other topics of conversation were about the adventures the two have had. Midnight was in the middle of talking about the weird krang droids he stumbled upon earlier but was cut off by a loud roar.

Midnight and Rottmnt Leo gave each other a glance as if asking if they heard it too. Some frightened yells and screams were heard before the two dashed off to investigate the noise. 

Once at the scene Midnight's eyes widened. It was the large lizard he chased down for half an hour. He didn't mean to but he forgot all about it, the appearance of his brothers and krang, along with the newcomer messed his plans to go check in on them. Although he couldn't visit the strange mutant he did however convince the Shredder to keep them alive for the possibility of a new recruitment.  

"Midnight you've got to help us!" A foot soldier hollered out. The foot clan along with Karai were trying their best to hold the mutant down and retie them back up. Midnight noticed no matter the strength they put into trying to tie the mutant up it was no use. Midnight had to think of something else, he sighed and carefully walked towards the scene, not before telling Rottmnt Leo to stand still and wait. 

"Midnight this mutant is unstable! She was doing fine last night but has been trying to rip her ropes and is too big for us to get more ropes wrapped around her." Karai spoke while struggling to hold the beast down. Midnight surveyed the scene before coming to one of the many possible solutions. 

"Alright this might sound nuts Karai but call off the foot." 


"Just do it! Trust me." Karai was hesitate to do so but did it anyways. 

"Thank you, now make everyone leave the room but him." Midnight pointed at Rottmnt Leo to be the only one to stay. Karai nodded at the commands and soon enough her and the entire foot clan exited the room. 

"Why did I have to stay?" Rottmnt Leo whined. He much preferred to go back home in one piece rather than look like he came out a shark attack. 

"Just follow my lead, okay?" Rottmnt Leo nodded at Midnight's 'commands'. The two turtles carefully walked over to the enraged lizard. They were lucky she still had a couple ropes holding her in place or else they may have really been goners. Midnight walked up to the lizard first while Rottmnt Leo went to go hide behind a table, peaking his eyes over top of it to possibly witness his new friends death. Midnight poked the giant lizard, his other hand was near his new weapon; the katanas (remember they switched weapons a couple chapters back). The lizard growled and turned her head so that she was now facing the black masked turtle. 

"What. do. you. want." The creature snarled, and showed her large K9 teeth. Midnight was a bit taken back, he didn't expect her to be able to speak at all.  

"I only want to help you, I promise." Midnight softly spoke. The last thing he'd want was to be on her dinner plate. 

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, just to look down at the floor, looking a tad bit gloomy.  

"Please, I know you remember me. I was the one following you on the streets the night you mutated into this." Midnight used his hands to emphasize what he meant. The lizard didn't say anything, still finding the floor more interesting than anything else. Midnight sighed. 

"I'll make you a deal." Now this caught the lizard's attention. 

"What kind of deal?" The lizard asked. To be quite honest she seemed skeptical if it were a good idea or not but she had to at least hear him out.  

"If you help us, by us I mean myself, and the Foot-clan than I can grant you a specially made retro-mutagen to restore you back to your old self!"

The mutant seemed a bit overwhelmed by the news and took a couple minutes given by Midnight to decide her choice. 

"Alright, you have yourself a deal, but if you over turn me I'll have you for my full three-course meal." Midnight nervously chuckled and reassured her he would never turn his back on a promise he made. Midnight called out Rottmnt Leo's name to come help him cut the ropes from the lizard. 

"Thank you.." She hesitantly thanked the both of them. 

"So, what's your name?" Midnight asked as he and Rottmnt Leo put their weapons away, not before switching weapons to help Rottmnt Leo, since he had no clue how to use nun-chucks. 

"...Nigtorra."  Midnight smiled and introduced himself and Rottmnt Leo to her. 

"Welcome to the Foot-clan Nigtorra."



So sorry for the super duper late chapter! I'll try my best to start writing a new one but with Thanksgiving coming up I'll be a bit busy. Thank you for all the love on this story! </3

Word Count: 1150

Date: 11/20/22

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