Chapter 3

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I walked out of the living room, saying bye to Karai.

Now to time to find shredder. I walked towards the Dojo. I finally knew my way around, since I got a full house tour yesterday, thanks to Karai.

I Peeped my head through the doors. Lo and behold, there stood shredder, without his big chunky armor. He was seemed to be training. He looked like a average, typical guy you'd see walking the streets of New York, if New York were filled with flames of a deadly fire.

"Ah Michelangelo, good to see you came back." Shredder stopped his training and open the doors to let me in.

"Woah, how'd you know I was there?" I asked face full of surprise because of how cool that was!

Shredder chuckled. "Years of training, now let's get you started. Remember how I told you, you'd have a private trainer?"

I shook my head yes to respond.

"Well I'm your trainer, we're going to start off with basics, no weapons for a couple of weeks okay?"

"Yes Shredder." I bowed to my new sensei.

This is going to be amazing! I can't wait to show off during training lessons with Splinter, but I can't. I may be called out for my strange new ways of fighting.


Shredder and I trained for well over six hours, basically the whole night. We took many breaks of course, drinking lots of water and taking snack breaks, but that was rarely.

I was able to catch onto a lot of things he showed me. I learned how to properly punch, kick, etc. He thought me were most weak spots on a person were. He even called me naturally gifted!


"Michelangelo, you have a very powerful gift. You are able to catch onto lessons very easily, making your training easier, this is a very good thing. I've also noticed you can fight without thinking, this is very useful, you have a natural gift, gifted to you. You are very lucky, my young pupil."

End of Flashback-


Shredder made me train the whole six hours I was there. It was exhausting, I was about to stay at his lair but knew I'd get in trouble back "home".

"Excellent first training Michelangelo." Shredder said as he was putting our training materials away, such as mats, dummies, etc.

I bowed down to shredder. "Thank you sensei".
Shredder smiled at the new name.

"Now go, we don't need your family worried, be back again tonight, and get some rest."

I nodded in response, and proceeded to leave the room, closing the dojo doors after I left. I walked through the house and saw Karai sitting on the coach, still watching movies.

"You're still awake?" I asked really surprised.

"Yep! This is my 4th movie." Karai said, stuffing her face with the popcorn on her lap. I have no idea when or where she even got it.

"And you're still watching Jurassic park? I thought you finished the second one a long time ago."

"Don't be silly Mikey, I'm doing a Jurassic park/world marathon, plus this is Jurassic world II." Karai said pulling a Dr.Pepper out of thin air and chugging it.

"Wanna watch the rest with me? It's only 30 more minutes." Karai asked, patting an area on the coach for me to sit.

"Sure, I got time!" I took my seat and pulled some blanket on myself.

Yeah, bad idea. I ended up falling asleep during the 30 minutes. I guess Karai did too during some time, as her head was on my shoulder when I woke up. I moved her head off my shoulder and put it on a pillow, making her lay down instead of sitting. I got up, rubbed my eyes and checked the clock.


12pm?! (Lunch time)
My brothers are going to kill me! I quickly ran out the lair, made my way into an alleyway and lifted the man hole, jumping inside, not even bothering to use the ladder.

I made my way to the lair at my highest speed ever, running through the tunnels, some big, some narrow, it didn't matter at the moment.

I finally arrived at the lair, highest record yet. I just have to act natural. I walked inside and saw Leo watching Tv, Ralph was nowhere to be seen, same for Donnie.

I tiptoed quietly to my room not trying to get caught and questioned by Leo. I succeeded! I closed my door not making a single creek. Man that six hour training session with Shredder sure did help, thank god I asked him for some extra stealth lessons on top of it.

I had nothing to do, so I laid in bed and got some extra sleep. Splinter called us all down for training at some point, I was too tired to know the time. He made us do an easy training session, lasting two hours before we ate dinner.

(they don't do patrols yet, as they're too "young")


Pov: Training time

"Michelangelo!" My name was yelled several times according to Splinter.

"You are late for training!" Splinter was always strict about trainings and the surface. I nodded and did a big yawn, a couple of times actually.

"Michelangelo as a punishment I want you to grab this key out of my hand, very simple." Splinter said, swinging the key back in forth, every time I watched it, it felt slower.

You see whenever Splinter says "easy" or simple" you better know full well, it'll be hard, no matter the objective.

No matter though. I took a deep breath. In and out. I can do this.

I ran up on Splinter, did a simple jump over his tail, as he tried to swoop my legs. I landed hard on my feet, so his body faced that direction towards the sound of where my body would be if I hadn't taken lessons with shredder. I was right behind the rat, I tiptoed quietly, key before my hand.


Splinter swooped my legs with his tail. Splinters mistake was swooping my left leg more than my right. I used my right leg as it was higher than my left and kicked the old rats back, shoving him forward. I can say he was not prepared for that.

"Hmm impressive but you did not succeed." Splinter said letting his "ego" get to him.

"Are you positive Sensei?"

"Yes, of course I am, the key is still in my-"Splinter cut himself off as he opened his eyes, looking at his empty hand.

I had a sh!t eating grin on my face as I held the key in my right hand, shaking it to make my point.

"You were saying ?" Man it felt good to beat the "best" man here.

"Hmm, very well Michelangelo, I am once again impressed, for real this time." Splinter smiled.

"Now onto todays lesson!" Sensei started.

Sorry for all those skips! I got bored of writing this specific chapter. Dw though! I have many creative ideas for future chapters coming up. It's going to go to a older, faster paste, aka a couple years in the future.

(EDIT: I made a few changes! Not too big, just some errors!)


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