Chapter 14

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Continuing in R12

Raphael stared at the individual sitting on the orange silked bed. Donatello glanced over Raphael's shoulder to get a better view at Michelangelo's "friend". The two turtles were stunned. 

"Leo?.." Donnie took the initiative to speak first. "But you- wha?" Donnie continued, stuttering his words, due the shock of seeing his absent brother again. 

Michelangelo and Leonardo made eye contact for a couple seconds, as if they were speaking to each other, but without using words. Michelangelo, however, shook his head no and turned away. 

"I stumbled into Leo when I went topside." Michelangelo informed. 

"That's a bunch of Bull! How does that even happen?! Where was he anyway?" Raph fumed, upset Mikey happened to "find" Leonardo. 

"He was passed out in an alleyway, he looked a bit beat up when I saw him, so I took him to the ...  Mighty Mutants! They fixed Leo up, now he looks brand new!" Mikey somewhat lied, the only truth was Leo was in fact beat up. However, Mikey had forced Stockman to help patch Leonardo's wounds and bruises. (They switched bodies, so when the original T12 Leonardo got beat up by the shredder his injuries remained on his original body, if you have questions let me know!)

 "Oh yeah? Why don't I call them right now, I'd love to hear their story!" Raph sarcastically spoke, yet meant every word. 

"Raph, just leave it, Leo's fine that's all that matters. Later on we can give them a visit and thank them for helping Leo." Donnie cooed. 

"Tsk! Whatever.." Raph mumbled and crossed his arms. 

Mikey let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Though he'd never say for obvious reasons, he sure was glad for his older brother stepping in.  

"Sure we can stop by! I want to see Leatherhead." Mikey cheered, yet made a mental note to give LH a call and have him lie to his brothers that he and Leonardo stopped by earlier. 

"Hey bros, me and Leo are gonna go get pizza for dinner, I'm kinda hungry." Michelangelo informed, mainly trying to get out of the current conversation with his older brothers.

"Why Leo?" Raph raised a brow, which really started getting on Mikey's nerves. 

"Because me and him were going to head out earlier, but you walked in." Leonardo stepped in, saving Mikey's breath. 

"Yeah bros, me and Leo got it!" Michelangelo continued with a fake smile. 

Donnie only nodded, not bothered by anything. Raph, however, was still fuming from earlier, but let it slide as he had nobody to back his case up. 

The two turtles walked out the lair and headed for the sewers that led topside. They continued walking once above the topside until they made it onto a rooftop. 

"We didn't leave because of pizza, did we?" Leon laughed. Michelangelo put on a smile, a real one. "Well, we kinda have to get pizza as that's the main reason we told them we left. However, you are correct, we didn't leave for pizza. I need to give a close friend of mine a call, not sure if he has an alternate in your universe or not though." Mikey pulled out his T-Phone and dialed a number. (Can anyone guess?, no cheating!)

"What's his name?" Leon asked. Mikey stopped punching numbers into his phone and looked up. "His name's Leatherhead, he's a uh- close friend of mine." Mikey smiled, remembering the past adventures they had together. 

"Hmm.. I don't think I recall the name Leatherhead. What does he look like?" Leon questioned, wanting to gain more information about this new person. 

"He's a mutant alligator. He's probably the only one who knows about my second identity." Mikey stated. "Seems you guys are close." Leon smirked and wiggled both "eyebrows" up and down. 

Mikey was flustered. "Not like that!" Mikey groaned and looked away. (Not a ship, unless you want it to be. I don't mind shipping the two of them, unless you obviously prefer a different ship.) 

"Suuuure." Leon teased but eventually let it go. (Like I just said, not a CURRENT ship, unless you viewers want it to be one.)

Mikey completely ignored Leon, on purpose as he was making a phone call to Leatherhead, letting him know he and a friend were on their way. After all, how could Mikey not inform Leatherhead about Leo's replacement and all the other crazy shenanigans that have happened. 

"Alright, just follow close behind, LH said he'd be waiting on us so he could open the entrance." 

"Awwe, you have a nickname for him?" Leon once again teased. Mikey rolled his eyes and continued leading the way. 


"I don't trust this." Raph spoke up as the room was in an uncomfortable silence after Mikey and Leo left the lair. 

"I'm sure everything is fine." Donnie reassured. 

"You always say that! Are you hiding something, something that I ain't aware of?!" Raph yelled out.

Donnie was taken back. "Of course not, it's just- we never give Mikey enough credit. We always look down on him, we're his literal role models and I-I don't want that to stop." Donnie admitted.

Raph looked down, he knew he was far too hard on Mikey but he had his reasons, not that he'd ever admit. "Mikey is a softy, he needs to learn, whether it's the easy way or the hard way. Anyways, besides the point, could you just- I don't know, track 'em?" Raph requested. 

Donnie let out a sigh of defeat. He left the living room and re-entered with his laptop. After a few minutes Donnie had located his brothers. "Says they're with Leatherhead, I told you they're fine." Donnie spoke and closed his laptop.  

"Thought they were getting pizza? Ain't that a bit weird?" Raph interrogated Donnie. 

"Listen Raph, I don't know. I don't know what you expect me to do, the two of them are perfectly fine, if anything I'm sure our conversation consisting of Leatherhead earlier only made Mikey miss 'em." Donnie insisted, only earning a 'tsk from Raph as he eruptly stood up from the couch and made his way towards his bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

Donnie let out an exhausted sigh and went into his lab, shutting the door silently behind him. He didn't know why Raph was acting like such a prick, but he couldn't deal with it anymore. He'd tell Mikey and Leo about Raph's behavior once they made it home. 

However, what Donnie didn't know was Raph slamming his door was a facade. Thanks to Donnie spilling his brothers location it'd be a breeze to spy on the two of them and find out the hidden truth.



Sorry for taking a long break. I haven't been busy enough to the point I couldn't upload any new chapters, it's mainly been my lack of motivation, and I'm sorry for that. I can't promise or say to expect more chapters as my sports season just started and I'm going to be busy with my job as well. PLEASE, and I cannot stress this enough, please keep an eye out for a new announcement I may post. Most of the time it deals with you readers voting for certain choices, as I love giving you guys a chance to spice the story up in ways I may not be able to. Thank you if you read this and have a wonderful day or night! :)

Word count: 1236

Date: 3/7/23

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