Chapter 13

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Going back to Dimension T12.

3rd Pov:

It was a stressful day to say the least. Midnight had finally decided to bring Leon to his lair to 'meet' his 'family'. Leon was a bit taken back once able to see the sight in front of him, not only were his siblings a bit more buff but they were also shorter. Leon wanted to make the 'funniest' pun ever; according to him, but was hushed before he could even open his mouth. Now Leon didn't exactly meet this new dimension of brothers but was rather told details about the two in purple and red, along with a few details regarding how Leonardo would act.

Now what surprised Leon the most was the sudden change in emotion and attitude that Midnight showed when pretending to be the same happy Michelangelo, once the orange lad made an appearance in-front of his brothers. Leon assumed it was a personality disorder or mood swings. Nonetheless Leon shoved the thought to the back of his mind, hoping to just forget about it.

"Hey bros! You'll never believe what happened when I was on the way to April's!" Mikey yelled out.

The other two brothers stayed silent, not making a peep. It saddened Leon's heart that Mikey had brothers who weren't happy to see their little brother, yet alone wish to hear about his story.

Mikey simply let out a sigh, along with an eye-roll.

"Fine then, don't be surprised when you see what I was gonna show ya bout". Mikey spoke once more.

"Whatever Mikey, ain't ya got some comics to read?" Raph groaned, attempting to bait his little brother into leaving the two in peace.

"Yeah Mikey, me and Raph are a bit ... stressed out." Donnie added on, trying to find the correct word to say.

"No worries, I totes get it! Me and my 'friend' will be in my room!" Mikey spoke cheerfully, but said the word 'friend' in a weird way.

Mikey and Leon quietly left the living room space and made their way towards Mikey's room. Meanwhile the two on the couch let out a sigh of relief and went back to their conversation.

Donatello Pov:

"I don't Donnie, I mean, why would Leo run off without saying nothin?" Raph asked and rubbed his temples.

I stayed quiet. I had no exact words for the current question. However, Raph did make a valuable point, one I couldn't deny.

"Well, lets not assume the worst, maybe Leo needed some alone time.." I stated, rather than questioned. Raph, however was not liking the answer I provided him and slammed his fists on the wooden coffee table, making me jump from the sudden action.

"Raph, please calm down." I said, trying my best to pull him into the correct mindset.

"No Donnie! Leo is probably out there, on his own, captured by Shredder, who knows if hes okay?! Because we sure as hell don't!" Raph yelled, causing me to wince from the loud noise that emitted from his voice.

Raph seemed to notice this and apologized right away to which I accepted. I only sighed. The two of us sat in silence for a while, allowing us to collect our thoughts and move forward to create a better mindset.

"How about we go see this friend of Mikey's?" I calmly asked Raph, hoping he'd accept my offer.

"Sure... I guess we can." Raph mumbled just loud enough for me to hear.

I smiled at Raph and helped him rise from his position on the couch, before we both made our way to Mikey's room. The walk there was quiet but a calm quiet, it felt nice and comforting. It didn't take long before Mikey's door stood shut before us.

I let out a deep breath and glanced at Raph, and knocked two times on Mikey's door. In the room I could hear the sound of shuffling and quiet whispers. Then the handle to the door twisted, allowing me and Raph to take a step in the room.

I was a bit shocked to see the state of Mikey's room. It wasn't dirty at all and everything was neatly organized and neatly stored away.

"Yes?" Mikey asked, not fully opening his door, which meant I couldn't see this friend of his quite yet.

"We apologize for pushing you away earlier, and were curious to meet this friend of yours." I spoke on behalf of Raph and I.

Mikey only shrugged and smiled, before slowly opening the door.

"I did say I wanted to show you 'em earlier, so be warned!" Mikey stated. Raph grew annoyed at Mikey's games and pushed open the door himself.




Leon Pov:

Midnight and I walked to his room in silence, not the unwanted silence but the comforting kind. I quite enjoyed it. However it didn't last long as Mikey swung open his door and introduced me to his room. The room wasn't messy at all, in fact it was very clean and organized, can't say I'm surprised.

'My Mikey was pretty good about being clean, maybe it's just a Mikey thing.' I chuckled, thinking about my Mikey.

Midnight cleared his throat, catching my attention.

"What's up?" I questioned.

"Nothing, I just thought you'd like a bit of knowledge as to why my brothers can be harsh, as your brothers may not act the same." Midnight finished.

'I guess that'd be nice to know...' I thought to myself.

"Sure, an explanation would be nice." I replied.

Midnight then went into detail about past events between him and his brothers, which caused him to join the opposing side, according to him. I patiently sat on his orange, silked bed-sheets, allowing him to rant about his past.

I yawned halfway through Midnight's speech but kept my eyes open to my best ability.

'This guy sure has a lot to talk about.' I thought to myself.

Before I even knew it a knock of two was heard from Midnight's door. He hushed me and made me stay put on his bed.

Midnight opened the door and talked with the people on the other end before the door flew open. I sat there a bit shocked not knowing what to say, until somebody else yelled.

"WHAT THE HELL MIKEY!" A voice rang out. I took a glance at the figure and noticed his appearance to be quite similar to my Raphs. I mean they both have a red mask, along with muscles. Although this Raph was louder and meaner, according to Mikey and from what I've heard.

"Raph calm down, it can't be that bad-" Another voice said before freezing up. I nervously chuckled.

"Soooo, you guys from Jersey?..."



I'm not dead? Whoo! I do apologize however for the super late post. I now have three stories up to date that I am also writing and will try to post whenever I can for this book, along with the other two.

Word Count: 1163

Date: 1/13/23 (Happy Friday the 13th)

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