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"So then it's official? Papyrus scent is all over you." Kyle noted as you both padded past the territory markers telling you that you made it home. "Honestly, I think I decided to choose Papyrus long before the date. I never held interest in the males around here. What about you and Sans? Did the wolf way work?" You panted in amusement as Kyle flinched. "Uh... kinda..? He wasn't very happy when I brought a fat rabbit into the house and put in his lap as a gift." You snorted at that and licked your muzzle. "He asked me what the hell I was doing, so I told him straight out that I was interested in becoming mates with him. He was shocked, asked me again and again why him and if I was sure. Not too long after that he finally accepted that and said we could date and see if we would work out, whatever that means, and curled up on the couch watching JackSepticEye." You nudged your brothers shoulder with your nose. "Good for you. Papyrus showed me where he and Sans lived in the mountain. It was actually very nice. I like it there."
"I can't wait to see how dad takes this."


Ethan and Oliver continued sniffing you and Kyle both, long after you enter the house. They weren't used to the new scents that intermingled with yours and Kyle's. Both were still a bit young to know why, which was ok by you because you didn't need them teasing either of you. You both ended up retreating to your rooms to get them off your tails. You ended up staying there until you both heard your father come in. You swallowed, gathering up the nerve to face him. He would know that whoever it was, wasn't from the Mwedziwesirivha Pack. Papyrus didn't carry the distinctive pack smell of damp moss and wood. He would probably notice the high magic concentration at lingered in his scent as well. You left your room, Kyle falling in step ahead of you. His expression told you enough. Kyle was going to defend Sans if this didn't go well. You felt the same about Papyrus. He was your partner now, it was your duty to protect him with everything you had. Even if you had the entire pack (minus Kyle) against you. "Dad." Kyle drew his attention. "We need to talk."


Your father's expression shifted into something blank and unreadable as he looked at you both. "Ethan, Oliver, why don't you do play outside?" He shooed the youngest boys out before standing to his full height. "You are seeing monsters." It was more of a statement than a question. Kyle didn't hesitate. "Yes I am." You nodded simply. "He's a good guy who accepts me even though I am a werewolf." He paced the room slowly. "When did this start."
"We both just became official today." Kyle replied. "I never killed that monster, I couldn't... so I lead him home instead." Your father sighed heavily. "I... figured as much. You're to kind a soul to just do something like that... did either of you get your first kiss yet?" That caught you both off guard. "W-wha-"
"Nononono." He laughed. "Aw, that's too bad, you should soon." You now felt like an idiot. Of course it bothered your father none, as long as you were happy. "What about the Alpha?" Your dad grinned. What about the Alpha? I can keep a secret if you can." He went serious again. "Just... be careful. Don't get caught."


That was that. Your dad accepted him, both of them. You and Kyle now had an inside person to distract the others if you both were out, which was more than likely. "That went about as well as I hoped, actually, even better than I hoped. "For a minute though, he really had me going with his serious act, I thought for sure we were going to have to fight to have their affections. You sighed. Kyle waved it off immediately. "Now we don't. We can see Sans and Papyrus to our souls content, so long as none of the others find out."
"Dad is so cool." Kyle grinned mischievously. "Cooler than Papyrus?" You scoffed immediately. "Nobody can out cool Papyrus." Kyle laughed. "Thank you for making that a thing!" You growled at him. "Shut up!"
"I am so telling Sans you said that tomorrow-"
"Go ahead, I'll bet he will agree with me!"
"Or laugh at you." You turned on Kyle, but he ducked past you, going to his room. "Night sis." You gave him your own mischievous look. "Night D.U.B." Kyle whirled on you. "Don't call me that!!" It was your turn to laugh at his suffering as you went to your room.


"how was the date?" Sans asked Papyrus as he made dinner, as per usual. Papyrus stopped humming to Bonetrousle. "It went very well, she liked the Underground quite a bit. Especially Waterfall and Snowdin." Sans blinked and lifted his head. "that's where you took her?" Papyrus stirred the sauce as he nodded. "I was going to bring her to my room like I did with Frisk, but it went so much more differently. I truly enjoyed it." Sans immediately got suspicious. "differently how?"
"W-well... I gave her a tour of the house, same as Frisk, but when we got to my room I was mesmerized by her curiosity despite there being nothing there. I forgot all about my special outfit and my special friendship spaghetti! After that, she let me ride her through Snowdin and Waterfall! I... I think I do like her, in a romantic sense, but I don't know how to express it! This has never happened to me before!" Sans relaxed, knowing nothing more happened, but Pap sure was in a dilemma. " you just be you bro, i think that's why she chose you in the first place." Papyrus paused and flashed a bright smile. "YOU ARE QUITE RIGHT, BROTHER! NYEH HEH HEH!"

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