The Proposal

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"That will be $18.75." You told a customer as you rang up their bill. Gerson watched from a chair not to far behind you. You were handed a twenty, which you swiftly pulled out the change they needed, showing them the two dollar bill and the quarter so they knew they weren't being cheated out of their money. "Here's your change, you folks have a nice day." You chirped, giving them a smile and cheerful wave goodbye. "You're doing good little wolf, picking up real quick!" The old tortoise praised. "It's been a few months now, Gerson." You reminded him. "Wah ha ha! Time sure does fly! You'll be running this shop on your own in no time!" You grimaced at that. You'd learned a week in that Gerson was looking to retire, but wanted someone to keep the shop going for him. You weren't why he chose you, and you had asked, but he'd merely responded with a laugh and a few words. "Well I ain't getting any younger!" Which was valid. You didn't actually know how old he was, but he certainly looked old enough to retire. So you stayed to learn the ways of his shop.


Papyrus was outside waiting for you when you were let off. This wasn't that uncommon. If you got off first, you waited at the college for him. If he got off first, he waited outside for you, sometimes coming inside to say hi to Gerson. What was weird was the outfit he was wearing. A black tuxedo with an orange tie. Held in his hands was a [F/C] wrapped box with a black bow to top it off. "I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND, BUT I GOT RESERVATIONS TO THIS RESTAURANT AT SCHOOL AND THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GREAT PLACE TO TAKE YOU OUT! HERE, I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!" He handed you the box and shooed you back inside for some reason. Confused, you untied the ribbon and tore at the wrapping paper like the animal that you technically were. "Don't make a mess in my shop now, wolfy!" Gerson snipped. "I won't!" You were quick to throw your garbage away before finally peeking into the box, eyes going wide. You glanced at Papyrus before retreating to the bathroom in the back. You likely didn't have much time before the dinner date.


Papyrus gulped as you walked out in silk [F/C] dress with [M/C] swirls that decorated the [Long/Short/No] sleeved dress. There were black flats on your feet, considering that you couldn't understand the concept of heels. A [F/C] teardrop necklace hung down to your collarbone, matching the look nicely. "Y-you look more beautiful than I imagined in that.." Papyrus stuttered, an orange blush on his cheeks. "You don't look bad yourself, handsome.." You found yourself replying as you averted your eyes bashfully. "SH-SHALL WE GET GOING? WE DON'T WANT TO BE LATE." He succeeded in returning to his normal volume as he took your hand and led you back out into the streets and to his convertible. The drive wasn't too long, fifteen minutes at most before going into a parking ramp and entering some fancy dining place. Papyrus did the talking while you looked around at olive green walls and fancy white tile. You felt way out of your league here, but you would have fun. It was impossible not to have fun with Papyrus around to brighten your mood and entertain you. Naturally you hoped to do the very same for him. "COME, WE ARE GOING TO THE TABLE NOW!" Papyrus called to you.


Classical music played around you as you stared out the balcony. "This is really nice.." You told Papyrus sincerely. "Nyeh. They did well, my fellow students I mean. In getting us this place..." You nodded in agreement. "S-so. The upper three floors are dinning floors. The higher the floor, the nicer it is, apparently. We are on the second highest floor. Below the three top floors is a bar area and below that is a dance floor. I would like to teach you to dance, [N/N], if you would like. You nodded eagerly, liking the sound of 'dancing'. "GREAT!" Papyrus shut his mouth, looking around to see if he bothered anyone before speaking in a normal tone again. "How about we order first though, we have all night." You nodded eagerly as the prospect of food as you both picked up menus. "Th-there's venison steak here?!" Papyrus laughed, nodding. "Apparently!" Your eyes sparkled at all the menu choices before one in particular caught your eye. "Oooooo, Pap I want [F/F]!" He laughed again, a blush tinting his bones once more. "And a drink?" You skimmed all the drinks until you found what you wanted.


After a delicious meal, Papyrus took you down to the dance floor where he kept you to the side so he could teach you the basic steps before you actually danced. It didn't take too long, you were a quick learner. Soon you were both on the dance floor, Papyrus guiding you through each and every song with joy. Dancing was fun! Then a fast paced song came on, Papyrus smile widened as he pulled you deeper into the crowd and towards the center. You learned quickly that the song was "I'm Falling For You" and you quite enjoyed it and the dance that Papyrus had set for it, which admittedly involved a lot of twirling. At the end, Papyrus held you close for a moment, allowing for you to reorient your before he took your hands with a nervous gulp and dropped on one knee. You weren't entirely sure what he was doing, and was about to ask if he was ok, but he started to speak to you. "[Y/N], a year ago I met you in the dark and we became friends. I knew then that you were someone special and I was so happy to become your boyfriend. I-I want to hold you, [Y/N] and keep you at my side forever." Your face burned with an excessive amount of blushing. Where was he going with this..? "S-so I was wondering... if you would marry me..?" You had NO idea what that was, but it was obviously important to him, so there was only one thing you could say. "Yes, Papyrus, I will."

1 chapter left

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