nagito thats not the right firework [version 1]

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Hajime goes up to Nagito to talk to him because thats how most of these start. Nagito was in his cottage chugging down bottles of (creamy) hope.

H: "Hey Nagito."

Nagito finished his bottle before speaking.

N: "Whats up, Hajime? Come to torture me with more orange juice?"

Nagito picked up another bottle of hope, and offered it to Hajime.

N: " Want some creamy hope?"

... Dont ask how its creamy, i dont know myself.

H: "Nah, I prefer orange juice."

Hajime then got orange juice from thin air and sat down next to Nagito.

Then there was silence. Other than Nagito chugging down them hope bottles.

H: "Hey, Nagito. Remember when you basically nuked the island?"

Nagito then stopped chugging his bottles. And sat there still. It was like he was playing subway surfers- I mean logic drive in his head.

<<Flashback that the whole story is about>>

the remaining survivors were all at the resturant to avoid dying, despite like 10 of them already being dead. It does not work.

Once they went into the lobby, they were greeted by Nagito.

N: "You have 13 seconds before the island fooken explodes you hot topic wannabe and you blue gumball son of a-"

-pause from flashback-

H: "... The frik, you did not."

Nagito has dementia. Bad memory as hell.

N: "Oh wait I said..."

<<back to flashback>>

N: "I put bombs on the island, yall have until like 2 days in the afternoon."

Everyone was totally panik. Its bombs, in a killing game. Was this allowed? Yes. Any killing is allowed. Even bombs.

H: "Heyyyy Nagitooooo.... Where el bomb?"

But Nagito already yeeted himself out of existance. Theres no telling where the frick the bombs are.

Nagito left a laptop because he has to slay somehow.

N: "its somewhere yall havent been. Good luck. Defuse it i guess."


2 days later, there was mega panik. As soon as it was 1PM, it was gonna go off.

They went into the warehouse as thats where they found the bombs (well, atleast they think).

Then Sonia ran in, because she had news.

"Those are fireworks, you gosh darn idiots!"

But the fireworks didnt go off.

Then the laptop next to the pile shot to life.

N: "Target acquired. Yall are doomed."

In said video, he pressed a button.





Then a future foundation empolyee ook off his headset.

Future Foundation: "Nagito, I dont know how or where bUT YOU CANT JUST NUKE THE DAYUM ISLAND."

Then the Employee ran to some computer and set time back. Then erased that the nuke thing ever happened... To everyone except Nagito... And Hajime, for the sake of it.

<<End of Flashback>>

H: "And then from there...."

N: "I basically nuked it again."

Hajime looked at Nagito. Wondering how this man is truly sane.

H: "Well, atleast you used actual fire works next time."

Hajime then left for the day, hoping for, JUST ONCE, a normal day.

Then he remembered something.

H: "Wait where DID he get that nuke from?"

he then forgot because he cant read and doesnt know what an octogon is so how can he remember that.

the end

[welp, originally this was going to be the only version. But as I was writing, I thought of another, a bit funny, version of the same name...]

[See yall in like 6000 years, when I make the second version.]

[578 words]

hajime n nagito expose eachotherWhere stories live. Discover now