slander :]

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im bored

and have no clue what for my next chapter with our 2 protags (uh, technically) are going to do next chapter.

So instead, im slandering everyone's fav characters, rather them, or whoever said "yep this ones my favourite."

or whatever even idk if this is slander.

Welp lets do this.


Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.

Makoto Naegi: this man is dependant as hell, boring as hell, and almost annoying as hell and you chose him as your fav? Sureee...

Kiyotaka Ishimaru: If you simp for him, then no, he wont get in bed with you for the sole person of "a man and a woman sleeping together, thats unwholesome!" ... Oh and he will fricken snitch on you if you do smth wrong.

Byakuya Togami: This man has no regards for other peoples feelings. Please, if you simp for him, get help. And what kind of talent is heir? (I forgot the english ultimate)

Mondo Owada: He will reek of fricken hair gel and I know it. No, Mondo doesnt smell like axe body spray, he smells like hair spray and hair spray only. If he was in the UK, he would be a roadman.

Leon Kuwata: ... All im saying is that one image where he basically goes bald. That yo man? Thats all I can say bc hes so basic that i have nothing to slander to him about.

Hifumi Yamada: You dont exist. Be honest, you just tried to be unique, no one likes this dude.

Yasuhiro Hagakure: You are favouriting a person whose burger started floating or sm and claimed it was aliens. Your fav is a pixie stick adict.

Sayaka Maizono: ... You've probably already seen enough slander about her but Im going to say it anyway. You have favourited, out of all people, a person who failed to murder.

Kyoko Kirigiri: Didn't she only get into the school because her dad was the headmaster???

Aoi Asahina: Your fav tried to kill everyone, including herself, because her bestie commited self - die! Also both her and her brother are forgettable.

Toko Fukawa: If you simp for her, we all know either way that she simps for Byakuya, even in UDG.

Genocide Jack/Jill: Although shes the yas slay version of Toko, she still simps of Byakuya. Oh and if your a male she would kill you because she kills, and i quote, "adorable boys".

Sakura Ogami: She cannot escape being called an Orge. Yasuhiro calls her an orge, hell, even in Goodbye Despair, theres a statue of her, and Hajime says its an orge. What else can I say?

Celeste: She killed, two people... For 10 million bucks. Why? To get a european castle with vampire boyfriends/servants. Honestly, why you favouriting her?

Junko Enoshima:Let me guess, you memorised her line from the anime, "Kamakura, kamakura, yas queen!' ... and thats it.

Murkuro: Way better in the anime tbh.
In the anime, she could dodge death, easy as hell (proof: Search on yt, 'Junko trying to kill her sister). ... And she dies to spears ingame. She got de-yasified.

Chihiro Fujisaki: The only thing that made him memorable was the fact he made alter ego.... And thats it.


Ok, you got all that as the first game? Im just going to quickly do UDG and move onto Good bye despair after..


Ultra Despair Girls:

Komaru Naegi: ... Same as Makoto. And the dependable part is more shown in the manga.

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