Chapter 1 - A new beginning

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The story will start just before Kion was crowned King of the Tree of Life. Enjoy!

It was the night of Kion's coronation. Everyone from the Tree of Life and the Pridelands had came to celebrate the newly crowned King. Kion was sitting to a side, while Makini was mixing the blue paint, thinking about what he had accomplished in his life. He hadn't lived half of his life but it all went so fast, becoming leader of the Lion Guard, defeating Scar, healing his scar and now, King of the Tree of Life.

Makini had just finished mixing the paint as she started to make an announcment.
"Animals from near and far, thank you for coming to the coronation to make Kion King." Kion's ears shot up when he heard her say his name. She called to Kion, "Kion, its time." Kion walked onto the rock below Rani, the Queen of the tree.

Makini stuck her thumb into the paint, getting the correct amount for Kion's head. Kion lowered his head, allowing Makini to apply the paint to his head. She smiled at Kion.
"Animals of the Tree of Life, I present to you for the first time, King Kion!" she exclaimed to the crowd. Within milliseconds, the silence became cheers of approval for the new King.

Rani hopped over to Kion, smiling at him as they began to roar to the crowd. Kion trotted down to his family.
"Congrats Kion." Simba exclaimed, peering at his son in happiness.
"Cheers Dad!" Kion replied, the two nuzzled each other, having a sort of father and son moment.
"Lil bro, or should I say your majesty." Kiara joked, mocking his coronation.
"Yeah yeah, very funny, shut up." He laughed.

"So Kion, who is this 'friend' you made?" Simba asked, looking at Rani.
"Her name is Rani, and don't start thinking those thoughts Dad..." Kion told Simba. They chatted for a while until it got dark, when the all said their goodbye's as they went to their dens. Kion walked with Rani, but felt like he was bring watched. He had this feeling that someone was watching from afar, like an enemy. He thought little about it, and walked next to Rani, trying to hide the worriedness of his feeling. Rani noticed, but thought that he was just nervous for the future.

"Sooo Kion, you ok?" Rani asked worried about Kion.
"Nah, feel like I'm being watched or something not sure though..." Kion replied looking around.
"Huh." She looked around but couldn't find anything, luckily they were near the tree. Kion felt safer inside the tree as they both hopped on the rock. They cuddled up together and in the first peace of the night they fell asleep.

457 words, not bad for my first chapter on Wattpad. Hope you enjoyed it as it took long to create. See ya in the next chapter


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