Chapter 8 - Regaining Kion's memory - Part 4

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The sun rose on the Tree of Life, it was a peaceful morning, not for Simba, Nala and Kion though... Kion slept with his parents in their cave. They were all fast asleep until a loud yawn distrupted the silence.
"Ugh, morning Kion." Simba said, looking in the direction of the noise.
"Morning, Dad, is Mom awake?" Kion repied.
"No, not yet, she will be soon though." Simba replied.
"I'm already awake, you two slept a lot longer than I did." Nala said, startling the two males.
"Oh, didn't know you were awake..." Simba replied, recovering from the scare.
"Yeah, its almost midday." Nala continued.
"We should probably go to Rani and the others." Simba said.
"I agree, lets go. Kion, follow your father and I!" Nala called.
"Ok, coming!" Kion shouted back.

"I'm worried for Kion." Rani told Baliyo, sitting in the Tree's lair.
"Yeah, I hope that he gets better soon though, we need him and his roar to help us defend." Baliyo replied. Rani nodded her head, and lay down to sleep. Baliyo walked out to the resting area and joined the night pride's rest.

"Ok, Ki-" Simba said while being cut off by Kion.
"AGHH!" Kion screamed in pain. He screamed for a minute before relaxing.
"Dad? I remember everything, the Tree of Life, the Night and Day pride... and Rani! Where is Rani?" Kion stated, causing Simba and Nala to grin. Simba cheered while Nala walked over and hugged Kion.
"Glad you've got your memory back, son." Simba said.
"Thanks dad, where's Rani? I want to see her." Kion asked him.
"I think she is in the tree, we'll come with you." Simba replied.
"Ok, lead the way," Kion said, walking behind his parents.

Kion looked around as him and his parents walked, re-taking in all of the land he ruled. He remembered it all now, but remembered the threat that stood in the way of the peace, Shor. He winced at the thought of how strong he was, especially as he is a leopard. His fur on his back stood on end as he continued to think about it, trying to think of a plan to get rid of Shor.

Rani woke up to the sound of footsteps, and a lot of them. She stood up and stealthily walked towards the enterance of the tree.
"Well hello there, your majesty, your time has come!" A mischevious voice said. The culprit? Shor.
"Shor! What are you doing here? How hasn't the Day Pride see you?" Rani asked, stuttering on every word.
"Easy, they are very blind, just went behind their backs." Shor answered, grinning cunningly.
"Alright, enough chit chat, time to end your short reign." Shor said, pinning Rani on her back. Rani wasn't going to go down without a fight and she clawed Shor's chin and leg. Shor winced at the pain and gave Rani an oppotunity to attack. She punched him in the lower neck and threw him out of the lair, un-cornering herself in the process. Shor got up of the ground and clawed her back, causing her to scream. He jumped on her back and pinned her on her stomach, before flipping her over onto her back. He clawed at her stomach and held his claw round Rani's neck.
"Long live the Queen!" He shouted
Just before he could end Rani's life, he was hit heavily by a gold figure. Rani looked up to see it was... Kion!
"Back up and leave now Shor, your surrounded!" Kion demanded, the Day pride surrounding him round the back of the tree.
"Fine, you win this time Kion, but next time you won't be so lucky!" Shor said, running towards and out the mountain pass.

Kion watched Shor run until he was out of sight, before returning his attention to Rani.
"Rani? You ok? What happened?" He asked, walking over to her.
"One question at a time please." She joked. "I was attacked by Shor, but only him. He went behind the Day Pride to get me."
"Oh, you ok though?" He asked again.
"Yeah, just a few scratches. She answered.
"Ok, by the way, I have got my memory back again," Kion replied.
Rani smiled and ran over to him, pinning him before hugging him.
"I am so glad you got it back." She said.
"So am I, but I'm going to the tree to rest. You coming?" He asked.
"Sure, see if the scratches will heal while I sleep." She replied.
"Ok, Day Pride, you may rest, good work on patrol today." Kion announced.
"Finally! About time if you ask me!" Bunga shouted. Fuli rolled her eyes and led them to the resting area.

Rani and Kion walked together to the tree and their own, nuzzling each other all of the way. They entered the tree to find Simba and Nala both sleeping on the one side.
"Lets not make too much noise and wake them up, let them sleep." Kion said. Rani nodded her head in agreement and followed Kion onto the rock, and in complete silence, they fell asleep in each others paws. Their relationship will only get stronger from here, now that Kion remembers who she is.

870 words! This is the biggest chapter yet! I am SO sorry about the wait, I forgot completly about Wattpad for around months or so. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will see ya in the next one!


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