Chapter 3 - The new trouble

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The sun rose on the land of the Tree of Life. The Night Pride were on their patrol while the new Day Pride slept. Well, kind of, Fuli and Bunga were awake.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We need to patrol soon!" Fuli shouted at Bunga, they were arguing with each other. They had both pratically woke the others up, and I mean the others.

"What is the meaning of this?" Kion asked grumpily after his sleep was interupted.
"Kion? Your up early." Bunga startled at the sight of his best friend.
"Bunga started an argument saying that we won't patrol today and I've been trying to tell him that we need to." Fuli answered facing Bunga with an angry face.
"Ok, Bunga you are patrolling today but please stop, me and Rani are trying to sleep." Kion stated.
"Fine." Bunga said unhappily.

Kion headed back to Rani but it wouldn't be long however as both of them were needed for a much bigger deal.
"Kion, Rani we need your help!" Surak shouted to wake them up.
"Help? Why?" Rani asked.
"There's leopards attacking at the mountain pass, and they want to speak to both of you." Surak answered, trying to get them to hurry up.
"Ok, lets go." Kion ordered, as they all ran to the mountain pass.

They arrived at the mountain pass and were shocked to see the amount of leopards there were.
"Get the Day Pride." Kion whispered to Surak. Surak did a slight nod and ran away from the scene.
"King Kion, Queen Rani! Fabulous to see you decided to come! Hi." The leader laughed out.
"Yes, Hi, whatever. What do you want?" Rani asked in an angry tone.
"What do I want? Your throne of course! I just wanted to meet you so you can know your soon to be King." He replied.
"My name is Shor." Shor explained.

Back with Surak, he had got to the Day Pride, but now had the task to get them moving.
"Guys, we have trouble." He stated, getting everyones attention.
"Trouble, what trouble?" Ono asked.
"There is leopards at the mountain pass, around 20-30 of them and its getting heated over there." Surak replied.
"Oh no, that can't be good, lets go." Fuli ordered as they all started to run to try and scare the leopards off.

Back at the mountain pass, a fight had started and the Night Pride were not doing well.
"Ha, that was easier than I thought, who whould I kill first?" Shor asked sarcastically, laughing at Kion and Rani. He approached them and stated.
"Long live the King and Queen." Just before he could put them into their doom, he got pounced on by Fuli.
"Not so fast." She shouted as all if the Day Pride attcked. After a while the leopards had started to get tired and had started dropping like flies. Rani gave the last blow to Shor as Kion pinned him.
"Its over, get out and don't come back." Kion threatened.
"Fine, you win round 1." Shor said, defeated. The leopards all retreated as Kion started to lose all senses and soon collapsed. He had cuts all over his chest and neck and had lost a lot of blood.

Beshte got Kion on his back and they all raced for the tree to try and heal him. They arrived, but they had to act fast as Kion had started to lose his pulse. They got him down on the rock and started to try and heal him when...

594 words, very good amount. You guys get your first cliffhanger of this story. The answer will come in a week as I will be camping until Friday next week so you get a lot of time to think about the question of what will happen to Kion. Answer in the comments. Until Friday, see ya soon.


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