Chapter 5 - Regaining Kion's memory - Part 1

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After two days of traveling, Ono had finally reached the Pridelands. It did help that he remembered the quicker way because he knew Kion was counting on it. As he flew, he looked back on some of the memories of the past and remembered how much fun he had, but he had to get to Pride rock.

It was early morning in the Pridelands, Simba had only just sent out the lionesses to go get the pride breakfast when he heard a familiar voice.
"Simba! Kion needs help!" Ono called, as he was at the back of Pride rock.
"Ono? What are you doing here in the Pridelands? And, whats wromg with Kion?" He replied, watching Ono land.
"Kion he... has... lost his... memory" Ono finally got out, trying to catch his breath.
"What! What happened?" Simba replied. He accidentally woke up Nala from his loud reply and she had came out in a hurry.
"What's wrong Simba? And Ono, why are you here?" She asked very tiredly.
"Kion has lost his memory, he only remembers Bunga, he doesn't even know Fuli!" Ono answered.
"Oh my, what happened? Is he ok?" Nala stated, utterely shocked at the news.

Ono explained to the royal pair about the fight and how Kion had almost died.
"Well we have to go and help Kion, he needs us..." Simba said to Nala.
"I agree." She replied starting to tell Kiara and Kovu about their Royal duties passing down to them.
Simba and Nala finished their breakfast and headed off with Ono back to the Tree of Life.

"Hey Kion, feeling any better?" Bunga asked, standing next to a very exhausted Rani.
"Yeah, where am I though, and why am I here?" Kion replied, while eating a small piece of meat.
"Kion, your at the Tree of Life, your the King." Rani replied, hopong he would remember her soon.
"What is the Tree of Life and I'm not the King, lion, I'm Prince of the Pridelands." Kion replied, he fell asleep after due to his brain not able to keep him awake for long periods at the moment.

                     *3 days later*

"Ono, how far are we?" Simba asked, catching his breath from a long sprint.
"I can see the mountain your majesty, not long to go!" Ono cried in reply, almost hitting a tree while answering.
"Ok, lets get hurrying though." Simba replied back, concentrating on keeping his momentum going.

They started entering the mountain pass a few minutes later. Unbeknownst to them however, Kion and the day and night pride, were in a fierce battle, and were'nt looking good either. Bunga, Fuli and Surak had all been pinned and Kion had lots of scratches and cuts all over his body.
"Not looking so good this time doesn't it Kion!" Shor stated while laughing
While Shor was distracted, Kion uppercutted him straight in the face, knocking him back several feet.
"Who even are you, and why are you attcking me?" Kion asked in confusion, creating a small break in the fight.
"Again like last time nitwit, I'm Shor, and I'm here to take you THRONE." Shor replied, shouting the last part as he pinned him.
"Hahahaha, goodbye Kion..." Shor laughed, until a massive force threw him of Kion...

"Aghhh, what the, who are you?" Shor asked as he stud up again.
"I'm Simba, Kion's father." Simba answered, scaring the living day light out of Shor.
"Simba, like King of the Pridelands? Nahhh, I'm out, Leopards, with me!" Shor called, instantly retreating.

"Dad, where did you come from?" Kion asked, slowly getting to his paws.
"From the bushes, Nala came to, we heard what happened." Simba replied, as Nala hoped out of the bushes behind Kion.
"Son, you ok?" Nala asked, walking over and hugging Kion.
"Yeah, but what happened? Dad, what are you on about?" Kion askes, utterly confused.
"Oh dear, this will be hard to fix" Simba said to himself, quietly so no one would hear him.

I'm back! I apologise for the long wait, school has been a nightmare recently...
663 words today, I thought I would treat you guys to a big chapter due to the long wait. I don't know when the next chapter is out so pls don't ask. Until then though, see ya!


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