Chapter 7 - Regaining Kion's memory - Part 3

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"Kion, tell me... what do you know about the Pridelands?" Simba asked, sitting next to Nala, opposite Kion.
"The Pridelands? I know a lot about it, it's our home remember? My best friend Bunga plays baobab ball all the time!" Kion replied, looking at his parents before glancing at his reflection.
"Do you know what the Lion Guard is?" Simba questioned, trying to find out what Kion could remember.
"The Lion Guard?... Never heard of it, what is it?" Kion responded, making Simba and Nala worried.
"Ok, Nala, I don't know what to do... do you know or should we get Nirmala to help?" Simba asked, trying to work out the best way for his son.
"No idea to, lets get Nirmala." Nala replied.

"How is Kion?" Asked a sudden voice behind Simba. Simba turned around to find the culprit. Rani.
"Oh, Rani, scared me there for a second..." Simba said.
"Kion is fine, we were about to go get Nirmala to help, we are not sure what to do." Simba continued, standing up.
"You to go get Nirmala, I'll stay with Kion, I have dealt with a lost memory a couple times before." Rani told the couple, walking over to Kion.
"Ok, lets go Nala." Simba replied, walking away with Nala.

"Kion, remember me yet?" Rani asked, looking for any signs of his memory being regained. Kion shook his head, causing Rani to look at the ground.
"This is going to be harder than I thought." Rani mumbled to herself, getting closer to Kion.

Simba and Nala walked through the bambo forest while trying to find Nirmala. They had asked Baliyo where she could be and he sent them to the bambo forest.
"Simba, over there!" Nala said, locating Nirmala.
"Oh, yeah, I see her." Simba replied, turning towards Nirmala.

"Hey, Nirmala!" Simba called, getting her attention. She turned around to find Simba and Nala standing there infront of her.
"Hey, aren't you supposed to be with Kion?" She asked, wondering why Kion was absent.
"He is with Rani at the Lake of Reflection, we came to find you because we don't know what to do..." Nala explained.
"Oh, ok, well lets get going there then." Nirmala replied, walking past them.
"Ok, we'll explain what we know on the way there." Simba told her.

"ARGHHHH!" Kion screamed in immense pain.
"Kion, listen to me, its going to be ok, this is your brain trying to remember everything." Rani told Kion, trying to calm him down.
"Rani, is everything alright with Kion?" Simba asked in a very worried expression. Nala and Nirmala appeared behind him.
"You could say so, its his brain trying to remember again." Rani answered, looking back at Kion. After a few minutes, Kion calmed down and was not longer in pain.
"Ugh, Dad, where is the Lion Guard, I think I'm late for patrol!" Kion asked, remembering his very old memories.
"Thats good." Nirmala exclaimed.
"Kion is starting to remember some things, but by the looks of things, they are the very old ones from when he was little." Nirmala continued, explaining why this was good news.
"Kion, you are having a long break, remember." Simba replied, creating an excuse to Kion.
"Am I? Must have forgotten..." Kion said, looking at the sky.
"Its getting pretty late, I think we should rap it up for the night." Rani said, also looking at the sky.
"Ok, same place?" Simba asked.
"Yeah, same place, Nirmala, can you be here to aswell?" Rani responded.
"Yes, I can return for tomorrow, good night!" Nirmala replied, walking off.
"Well, time to get back to the tree Kion, say good night to your parents." Rani told Kion, who followed the statement.
"Night Dad, Mom." Kion said.
"Good night Kion." The couple replied.

They all walked away from each other, trying to regain Kion's memory the next day.

645 words, a smaller chapter today but I am pretty upset so I am not really in the mood to write, I apologise for the smaller chapter. My home country, England, was knocked out of the World Cup so I am pretty sad about it. None the less, I needed to finish this chapter up for you guys. See ya in the next one!


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