Chapter 2 - The Day Pride

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The sun rose on what was, a very quite Tree of Life. Every animal in the kingdom had been exhausted from the coronation the night before. The most tired is Kion, who doesn't want to wake up any time soon.

Rani had woken up around a hour ago before the sun had fully risen, and she was attempting to wake Kion up.
"Kion, wake up." She said in a tired voice. She hadn't fully woken up at the time. Once she realised that it didn't work, she nudged him, many times...
"Ugh, Rani quit it..." Kion groaned in a grumpy voice. Rani had other plans though, and had a trick up her sleave.
"Well you missed your chance to say goodbye to your family." Rani replied, trying not to laugh at that blatant lie.
"WHAT!" Kion screamed, waking up fully after hearing that statement.
"Kion, it was just a jo..." Rani tried to tell him.
"But what if they don't come back for a while, they didn't even say goodbye..." Kion continued in a worried expression.
"It was a joke, Kion, I was trying to wake you up so you didn't miss your chance to say goodbye." Rani stated as Kion stared at her with a really expression
"Your mean" Kion told her while she laughed.

After the woke up fully, they walked out of the tree and saw the Night  Pride, utterly exhausted after the patrol at night. The old Lion Guard walked up the opposite side to the Night Pride, looking quite shocked to see them wipped out from one patrol.
"Woah, are you guys alright?" Kion asked, looking at them in a worried expression.
"Yeah, there just was a lot of help needed last night..." Surak barely answered, pretty much about to collapse.
"Man there must have been, you guys may rest." Kion replied, watching them walk then collapse in the field to their left.
"Well now the Tree of Life is basically undefended..." Rani stated, looking to the ground.
"Yeah, we could use a second guard who patrols during the day." Kion replied.
"Hmm. Hey, what about you guys?" Rani asked the old Lion Guard.
"We'd love to!" Fuli commented.
"What would our new guard be called though?" She also added.
"Day pride? Since you patrol during the day..." Kion asked, as an very good idea to Rani.
"Yeah, Day Pride. You are called Day Pride." Rani exclaimed, relieved that the Night Pride now had backup. The Day Pride all noded at the new name, trying to figure out the new lands they protected. They now knew that it would be a harded task, but they wouldn't give up.

443 words, not bad. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I am trying to upload as often as I can, so don't be upset if it is a big wait. See ya soon.


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