Chapter 4 - Is Kion OK?

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They started to heal him when...

His pulse stopped. Nirmala felt this suddenly and had caught her off guard. She was making good progress when Kion's pulse had stopped.

She looked up at everyones worried face, tears building up in her eyes.
"He has no pulse." She struggled to announce as she began to cry. Everyone looked to the floor, knowing that nothing can be done anymore.
"Why?!" Bunga cried out, seeing his best friend with no pulse really hurt him.
"Why always my family?" Rani stated with tears, walking to Kion slowly to hive him a final nuzzle.

The others started to exit, just Nirmala and Rani stayed to watch if there were any change. To them, seconds felt like hours, knowing the reality. Minutes passed, and it was quite clear there was nothing to be done anymore. The short battle was over. Nirmala walked to the others to let them know about Kion's death.

Just while Rani was hugging Kion, she felt a wierd movement. Kion hadn't moved though. She placed her paw on his neck. Rani had just discovered something very rare in a moment...
He had a very small, hardly noticible pulse. He had came back.

Rani screamed with joy, which alerted the others. Kion had achieved something that few animals in the world would ever do, survive with out a pulse for more than 5 minutes. The others ran in, all upset of what they thought was his death.

"Why are you happy Rani? Aren't you upset?" Fuli asked. They were completely confused about her reaction to Kion's 'death'.
"Kion's got a small pulse again!" Rani exclaimed, jumping up and down. Nirmala walked over to Kion, putting her paw on his neck, like Rani did.
"Oh my goodness, he does have a pulse. HE HAS A PULSE!" Nirmala shouted at the top of her lungs. In a split second, everyones mood had changed, as they started to celebrate the king being alive.

Nirmala had completed healing Kion and was about to use the tree to make him conscous.
"You can use the tree to wake him up?" Bunga asked in complete ore of the trees powers.
"Yes Bunga, I can." Nirmala replied, placing her paw on Kion, and the other on the roots of the tree.

She was succesful, Kion woke up after a few seconds and everyone rushed towards him. They all hugged him as Kion growled at them angrily.
"Get off, who even are you?" Kion demanded an answer as Nirmala said
"Oh my, Kion has lost his memory. He didn't take a bad blow to the head too." Everyone got away as soon as she said that.
"Please tell me that he will get it back." Bunga told Nirmala.
"Bunga, hey man wassup?" Kion asked.
"Uhhhhh, Kion, remember me?" Fuli asked in a confused expression.
"No, how do you even know me?" Kion replied.
"Ono, get his parents, tell them its an emergency." Beshte told Ono.
"Affirmitive." Ono replied. He took off as the others started to worry about their king.

509 words, not bad for a chapter that kinda told the same thing half the time. Anyway I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and story so far! If you have, consider hitting the star, it means the world to me. Thank you to the people that have followed me, I'll mention the names next chapter as a shoutout. See ya in the next one.


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