Treason is treason

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'Do you deny your father's crime?" Petyr questioned.

"No, My Lords. We know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy. I know my Lord Father must regret what he did. He was King Robert's friend and he loved him. You all know he loved him. He never wanted to be Hand until the King asked him. They must have lied to him, Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or somebody. They must have lied!" Sansa spoke truthfully and honestly, begging for her father.

"He said I wasn't the King. Why did he say that?"

"He was badly hurt. Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy. He wasn't himself. Otherwise he never would have said it." Sansa pleaded.

"A child's faith. Such sweet innocence. And yet they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes." Varys said solemnly.

"Treason is treason!" pycelle declared.

"Anything else?" Joffrey in the iron throne.

"If you still have any affection in your heart for me please do me this kindness, Your Grace." Joffrey leaned back in his chair debating sansa's words.

"Your sweet words have moved me. But your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the King. Or there'll be no mercy for him."

"He will." Sansa assured. 

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