141. To Ash

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'She burned my home. My people to the ground. To ash.' Sasha said tears filled her eyes but she wasnt sad no. She was furious. 'My people. They were my people. If i were in charge this wouldnt have happened!' She declared.

'Both cersei and danearys are dead.' Ned reminded her.

'Doubt leads to death. Cersei doubted her power and strength when she saw the dragons. Danaerys doubted jons intentions were malicious when he approached her. I have never had a doubt in my mind that in would be a just and righteous queen. I did have doubts that I deserved it, that I could do it, but I always knew that I would be just and fair... that I would put the people first...' she looked around tears falling from her eyes from sadness and the sting of the smoke, 'but now it is rubble. Doubt leads to death. Which is why im alive and they are not.'

'The crown is rightfully yours.' Ned told her. 'You would make an excellent queen.'

'I think I have two votes.' Sasha informed him. 'you and sandor.'

'that's one more than you had a few years ago.' Ned teased. 'you told me that my vote was the only one that mattered... have confidence. Don't doubt yourself. This is yours it is meant for you.'

'I don't think I can convince anyone of that.' sasha remined him. 'I'm okay with just me and you.' She told him. 'this place is a mess... but wherever we go.' She told him hugging him tight. 'we need to be near the water so I can feel the waves against my legs and sand in between my toes.... or the snow.' Sasha informed him. 'I have grown quite used to the cold. I think I would like my children to know the snow.'

'children?' ned questioned his hands moving to her stomach. She nodded smiling over at him. He kissed her urgently.

'I'm a bit late...' she told him, his hands ran over her still flat stomach. 'I have been foolish and reckless with my life today but I couldn't have our child grow up in fear of living. Our child.' Sasha repeated happy tears in her eyes.

'Sasha,' ned said happy, tears in his own eyes, another child. A child born of love and not duty. But they needed to focus. 'Lets clear your mind, close your eyes.' Ned recalled. 'picture yourself there now, the ocean.' ned instructed and she closed her eyes. Ned turned her to the water in the distance, resting his chin on her shoulder. 'the sand, a million little grains of sand under your feet.... the waves, crashing against your legs soaking the bottom of that very thin dress, I found you in, when I thought you were drowning, remember that?' ned recalled kissing her neck, she smiled leaning back into him. 'the sound of the gulls in the distance, the bird chirping, the breeze through your hair... my arms around you... I'm with you, no matter what comes. I love you....' she took a deep breath. 'you are going to need a clear mind for what is to come.'

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now