127. Princess, Queen or bastard

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'Did you talk to Jon?' sasha questioned quietly.

'Poorly,' Ned admitted.

'I'm sorry.'

"it's not your fault I lied to him for his whole life.' Ned reminded her.

'Still...' Sasha looked down to her hands uselessly. Maybe a simple life in the free cities wouldn't be so bad? She looked to ned and she could see the inner torment and struggle running through his mind. 'You are a good father.' Sasha told him and he stopped pacing and looked to her. 'You are. I've seen it, your children adore you. I adore you.' Sasha stepped towards him. 'Jon will come around, a lot is changing for him. He just needs time to adjust to his new bloodline.' Sasha offered.

'I don't know that time is going to fix this my love.' Ned told her and she nodded wrapping her arms around his waist, he breathed her in holding her close. This felt right, everything else made his mind scream out that he was doing everything wrong but here with Sasha felt right.

'I love you, weather you are Princess Sasha, Queen Sasha or commoner, bastard Sarah Snow.' Ned told her. Sasha lifted her head from his shoulder. 'I love past and future yous as well.'

'That's a shame,' she teased. 'because the past me dies every second and the future me never comes.' Ned smiled as she brought her lips to him. 'I love you weather you are lord of winter or Eddie snow as well.' Sasha told him when their lips pulled apart. 'I feel like I'm failing at everything else sometimes, but when I'm with you... at least that's one thing I got right.'


'What the fuck is Jaime doing here?' sasha said hiding behind ned. 'I didn't survive this long pertending to be a commoner with the fucking dragon bitch just to be recognized by that shit.'

'When I was a child my brother would tell me a bedtime story about the man that murdered my father' Daenerys told Jaime as he stood before her. The man who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat, who sat down on the iron throne and watched as his blood poured onto the floor... he told me other stories as well about all the things we would do to that man once we took back the seven kingdoms and had him in our grasp.' Dany looked over Jaime Lannister. Standing before her, he didn't look too much like a king slayer right now. 'Your sister pledged to send her army north..."

'She did' Jaime answered.

'I do not see an army I see a man with one hand. It appears your sister lied to me.' Dany told him.

'She lied to me as well' Jaime informed her. 'She Never had any intention of sending her fleet north, she now has greyjoys army and the golden company from essos. Even if we defeat the dead she will have more than enough to destroy the survivors. I swore to fight for the living and I intend to keep that promise.' Jaime told her silently pleading for his life.

'Your Grace I know my brother-' tyrion began.

'Like you knew your sister?' dany countered.

'He came here alone why would he do that if he were not telling the truth?'

'Perhaps he trust his little brother to defend him right up until the moment he slit my throat!' Dany threatened.

'We cannot trust him he attacked me my father in the streets and he-' sansa began.

'If you want me to apologize, I won't.' Jaime told them 'we were at war, everything I did, I did for my house and my family and I would do it all again.' He informed them.

'The things we do for love' Bran said and Jaime looked to him. The boy knew what he had done.

'what was that look? Did you see that look?' sasha questioned quietly.

'What look?' ned questioned.

'between Jaime and Bran.' Sasha said as if it was obvious.

'No,' ned said slowly.

'there was definitely a look. Something is up with them.' sasha informed him.

'So why have you abandoned your house and family now?' Dani questioned

'Because this goes beyond loyalty, this is about survival.' Jaime told her. Brienne of tarth suddenly stood up, catching everyones attention.

'you do not know me well your Grace,' she approached 'but I know ser Jaime he is a man of honor I was his captor once but when we were both taken prisoner and the men tried to force themselves upon me ser Jaime defended me and he lost his hand because of it. without him my lady you would not be alive,' she turned to sansa. 'he armed me, an armored me and sent me to find you and bring you home because he had sworn an oath to your mother.' she told Sansa.

'You vouch for him?' sansa questioned

'I do' Brienne told her

'You would fight beside him?'

'I would.' Brienne said with all the certainty in the world

'I trust you with my life,' sansa told her, 'if you trust him with her yours then he should stay.' Sansa told them. Daenerys was not happy about this though she was the queen she should be making these decisions

'What does the warden of the North think about this?' she asked Jon slightly bitter.

'We need every man we can get' Jon told her simply

'Very well' she agreed. Grey worm handed Jaime back his sword shoving it to his chest

'Thank you your grace' Jaime said bowing his head to her. your grace. Sasha felt like a child as every time any one called daenerys your grace she repeated it in a mocked tone in her head but she couldn't help it.

Everyone filed out of the room heading in the separate directions except for Bran he sat staring at Jaime

'Either you knew cersei was lying or you didn't know anything at all which makes you either a traitor or a fool!' dany snapped at Tyrion once they left. "Cersei still sits on the throne if you cannot help me take it back I will find a new hand.' Dany told Tyrion before marching away.

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