128. Can you feel it?

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Dragon Mothers // Jorah Mormont is up!

 'I'm sorry for what I did to you' Jaime said after moments hesitation

'You weren't sorry then, you were protecting your family.' Bran reminded him

'I am not that person anymore' Jaime told him

'You would still be that person if you hadn't pushed me out the window and I would still be Brandon Stark.' Bran told him

'You're not?' Jaime questioned

'No, I am something else Now.' Bran told him.

'You're not angry with me?'

'I'm not angry at anyone anymore' bran

'Why didn't you tell them?' Jaime question

'You won't be able to help us in this fight if I let the murder you first.' Bran assured him

'What about afterwards?'

'How do you know there is an afterwards?' Bran told him. Sasha stormed up to Jaime.

'sasha?' he questioned confused. She punched him right in the face. He stumbled back clutched at his nose. 'Sasha!' he shouted his nose gushing blood. She punched him again he dropped to the ground.

'damn that felt good.' Sasha said letting out a cold breath, so cold she could see in front of her as ned and bran both stared at her. a smile cracked across Brans face.

'that was...' Bran couldn't stop laughing. Bran didn't remember the last time he laughed, it felt good.


'theon is here. Sansa has forgiven him though.' Sasha told ned calmly. 'and considering he didn't actually kill Bran and Rickon... I can still punch him though if need be.' Sasha assured.

'Jon forgave him. I need to speak to him first though.' Ned told her.

"Lord Stark?' theon said, it looked as though he saw a ghost he fell to his knees before ned. 'I'm I'm so, sorry.' He exclaimed. Ned stared down at the boy trembling before him. 'everything I did. I understand if you want me dead.' Theon told him. 'I would want me dead.' Theon sobbed out. 'I tainted your memory, I betrayed your trust and Robbs, all of you. All you ever did was treat me like family when my own family betrayed me.' theon sobbed out. 'I don't deserve-'

'you don't.' ned agreed but offered him a hand up. 'come on, Theon.' Theon looked up hesitantly he grabbed neds hand. 'my children have forgiven you and sansa told me what you did for her. getting her out of ramseys grasp. For that I am thankful for.' Ned told him. 'use the rest of your days however long or short they might be to do good. To be better.' Ned told him.

'I will I promise. I'm sorry, lord stark.' Theon sobbed into him as ned hugged him, patting his back as he cried into him. Sasha smiled over at him from the doorway. 'I will do better, I will serve you and your family until my last breath I swear it. I swear it.' Theon promised.

'see to it that you do.' Ned said, patting his back before walking away, he let out a long sigh his shoulders sagging as his hot breath hit sashas neck, he leaned into her.

'you are indeed a wonderful man Ned stark. You and your children... jon included. You all forgave. I punched Jaime in the face.' Maybe sasha wasn't meant to be queen. Perhaps jon would be a better option.

'I would have punched Lannister as well.' Ned told her.

'I have my fathers temper... maybe I shouldn't be fighting for this-' sasha began but ned kissed her silencing her. 'I love when you shut me up like that.' sasha informed him wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands slide around her waist.

'doubt leads to death. Don't doubt yourself. You are so close... cant you feel it?'

'I feel you.' Sasha corrected running her hands down his chest. 'I want more of you.' She informed him, pulling him into their room, his lips colliding with hers before the door closed. 

Rightfully Mine // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now