(GOB) Cactus x Reader: Sun Cakes

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Unfortunately you don't start any fires in this chapter despite what the picture says.

You two rarely interacted, but when you did, you always complimented her inventions. You thought that she was cool, and her inventions helped the team sometimes.

You didn't expect that she'd come up to you one day and ask you to become her assistant. She avoided eye contact the whole time she spoke. You asked her why, but she only told you not to worry about it.
Now, you're kind of stuck with her.

She claims to be an evil scientist, but most of her inventions do more good than harm. She's visibly frustrated by this. She sometimes gets into a few accidents with her inventions, so you'll have to bring in a med-kit once in a while. She's crafty if you're being honest, but you wish she'd take care of herself more.

She carries blueprints around. She'll let you look at them if you want to. They're well designed and filled with several instructions.

When her inventions break, she's disheartened. It helps her if you comfort her.

She seems to have a huge ego, but the slightest insult to herself or her creations will agitate her. It damages her pride and hurts her feelings. She won't tell you that, but it's clear to you.

She likes when you compliment her. Other contestants think of her as a nuisance, so it's a nice change of pace for her.

She also has an evil laugh. You find it to be endearing. She's glad you think of it that way, but she wishes you'd find it more threatening. Another thing about her is that she secretly likes cute things. If you get her something, such as a plushie, she'd begrudgingly accept it.

She'll let you work on her inventions if you want to. She'll guide you if you're unsure of anything. If you don't want to, she'll let you watch as well.

Today, you decide to bake with her. You're not too great with gadgets, so you'll start with something easy to ease yourself with creating things.

It's a good thing TV had a kitchen around here, otherwise, you'd have to do something else.

"Oh, baking?" She grimaces. You look at her waiting for her answer, and she picks herself back up. "I mean, why of course! A skilled scientist such as myself can't possibly deny their assistant!"

You brighten up. "Thank you. I was thinking of making some sun cakes. They look pretty good, and they seem pretty easy enough to make."

"Hmm... it wouldn't hurt to try. So, what will we need?" She asks.

"Flour, maltose, icing and regular sugar, corn oil, salt, warm water, an egg for the egg wash, maybe some fondant for decoration, and shortening. Yeah, it's a lot to take in, but I already got the ingredients. All we need to do now is follow the recipe."

"Let me see that." She takes it and squints. "That seems simple enough. We don't even need this piece of paper!"

You grab two bowls and whisks. "Well, it always helps me. Come on, let's go and add in the ingredients."

You two had separate doughs to make. You did the water dough, and Cactus did the oil dough. You thought everything would go smoothly, but bits of shortening and flour splatter onto the ground.

"Cactus, what in the world are you doing?"

"Mixing it, what else would I be doing? It's too slow, so I had to speed up the process!"

"At least it's not too that big of an issue." You murmur. You focus on stirring your own bowl without spilling the ingredients.

You two were finished, and you already did the filling. The next was forming the dough.

She spreads flour on top of the counter and knocks over some on herself. You hold in a laugh.

She looks at you. "Hey, quit it!"

"I'm sorry, it's just—" You're barely able to contain your laughter now. You're caught off-guard when she throws flour at you.

You both are standing still. This time, you burst out laughing. She does as well.
"I'm getting back at you for that!" You playfully say.

You two toss the spare flour onto each other. You run around the kitchen trying to aim at her, but most of them miss. Every time it hits something, it flies apart.

The whole kitchen is covered in flour. You aren't spared, but you two are in stitches. You sigh once you realize you have to clean it all.

You two roll the dough into round clumps. After inserting the filling in, you both flatten them a bit.

She holds up one of them. "Hey, look at this one! It's perfect!"

You grin. "Perfect, just like you."

She stammers. "Wh-why, that's what I'd expect! I only make the best of the best!"

You give Cactus the baking tray for her to place in the oven. You look back at the recipe and see if you missed anything.

She walks over to you. "You know, we make a good duo! I never knew baking would be so enjoyable."

"The best part is the result." You say. You roll pieces of fondant around on the counter.

"The result is fantastic indeed! Especially when they work as a proper weapon. Considering that it's called 'sun cakes,' I decided to add some flare!"

You freeze. "Cactus, what temperature did you set the oven to?"

"The highest it could go. Why?"

You salvage the ones that aren't burnt to a crisp. Luckily, you didn't have to use a fire extinguisher.

"I still don't see anything wrong with those. It's not like there was an explosion. That would've been terrible!"

You hand her one of the salvaged sun cakes. "Maybe if you eat this, you'll see why."

You wait for her reaction. She lights up when she tastes it. "My word, this is delicious!"

"It is, isn't it?"

She shoves it into your mouth. "You should taste it as well! I never tried anything like this sun cake before."

You laugh. She smiles as you take a bite of it. It's crispy and sweet. The caramel-like filling gives a nice contrast to the flaky outer layers.

You glance back at her, but she's covering her mouth. You're confused, but you realize why. You feel your face heating up as you process the situation.

You can't believe that she pulled an indirect kiss on you.

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