Yandere! Candle x Reader: Light Of My Life

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Thank you for dumb_phr0g for requesting again! This contains small spoilers for Inanimate Insanity season 3, manipulation, and general stuff for when it comes to yanderes and obsession.

You run. You run as fast as you can. The flames will catch up to you eventually if you don't. The soot blinds your eyes.

You cough out blood. Your body is singed with burns. You can't yell for help even if you tried. Your vocal cords have been reduced to ashes.

There's no use.

You can hear her calling your name. It's sickeningly sweet, but you keep on running. The blazes crackle alongside you.

The only thing that can save you now is the device you're gripping. You stole one of Test Tube's inventions, but she can't do anything to you. You don't know where she is, or what happened to her.

You scramble to hide in one of the bushes. You frantically press the buttons on the time machine calculator. You need to hurry. She'll find you if you don't.

You punch in the last digits on the calculator. Suddenly, fire surrounds you. You can't move. The smoke blocks your lungs, and you lock eyes with her.

"Dear, where did you think you were going?"


You spring up. You don't smell embers anymore. There's only the scent of the ocean. You look around you.

You're on a boat with other people. There's a clover, a silver spoon, a cabinet file, and...

Your breath quickens. You can't speak. Why are you here again? Why is she here? How is everyone still alive?

You touch your throat. You try to say something, anything. You spit up blood. You get weird stares, but you don't care about that. Why isn't there a single noise coming from your mouth?

More importantly, where did the time machine calculator go? You had it with you, where is it?

You try recollecting your thoughts. You don't have a voice anymore, but you do have your satchel. You're so grateful that you brought it when you came to this boat. You don't know why you discarded it later on.

You reach inside to find post-it notes and pencils. Good. You can communicate with others using this. You draw and write down the events you can remember.

You befriended Candle in episode one. It was surprising for you since you had a hard time making friends. In later episodes, you gained the courage to make new friends. It was because you got uncomfortable around her.

There was always a strange change of atmosphere around her. That's why you wanted to talk to other people, but you could tell she didn't like it. You became uneasy around her, but you didn't know why. Maybe it was the constant nicknames, or how she always sought you after challenges.

You cut your connections off with her.

You regretted it immediately.

No, you regret ever meeting her.

You put your notes back into your satchel. You can hear Mephone calling out to everybody. There's a pit in your stomach as you walk off the boat and onto the island. He gathers you all behind a purple curtain.

You stand beside the cabinet file. You're not taking any risks by standing next to Candle again.

You try asking what the cabinet file's name is, but you remember that you can't speak. You pull out your post-it notes and write down your question instead. You can tell that she's looking at you as you scribble.

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