Silver Spoon x Reader: Some Solace

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Sorry if this took a while, but thank you blixerBoii for requesting! Here's this fanfic before I go back to school because updates might get slower.

Inanimate Insanity Invitational. A chance to gain money, fame, and maybe even friends.

To you, it was a new start. You wouldn't be that lonely loser that everyone said you were. You have tried to make friends before, but it didn't always work out. It didn't help that people were weirded out by your "obnoxious" behavior, putting it lightly.

Either way, it's all in the past. You were placed onto Team Yellow, later called The Thinkers. You'd like to think you got along with your teammates. You did, for the most part.

Paintbrush, OJ, Floory, and Candle were relatively approachable. Yin-Yang? Yang was chaotic, but Yin was alright. They were all fun to hang around in their own ways.

Yet, there was one person that got on your nerves. That person is Silver Spoon. You don't know what his deal was, but his snarky remarks irritated you.

The way he mockingly called you "dear" when he was about to taunt you were going to make you explode one day. The way he acted like royalty ticked you off.

Team-based tasks were awful, but you begrudgingly put aside your resentment of him. Surprisingly, he could be cooperative. You shortly found out he was terrible at challenges and that you had to do the work by yourself.

Challenges came and went, and you and Silver Spoon became... friends? No, that wasn't the right word. Companions were more like it. Companions as in Silver Spoon poking fun at you, and you tripping him every now and then. You never could find the right words to insult him back, but as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

There was tension between the two of you, but you both did share your troubles.

When you weren't anticipating the other's downfall, there were some nice moments. In one challenge, you took multiple pictures of him to mess with him. His hands were shaking when he tried to get a picture of you, but he couldn't get a single one.

You figured out what was wrong after. You assured him that he looked fine in the photos, and he returned to his usual self.

And by returning to his usual self, you mean starting a full-on war. At the end of it, your camera was filled with photos. You glimpsed through them for a laugh.

You were wrong when you said he looked fine.

He was breathtaking.

You promptly tossed the camera. You have no idea where you threw it, but you don't think you want to.

You get your head out of the clouds once you notice that someone is waving their hand in front of your face.

"Oh, uh— hey, Silver Spoon. What's up?"

He frowns. "Thank goodness. I've been trying to get your attention for ages!"

You slouch onto the bench seat and place your arms behind your head. "It's not my fault you're so boring."

You playfully smile as he rolls his eyes. "You're insufferable."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

You laugh, and he crosses his arms. "All right, all right. I'm all ears, Silver. What do you need?"

"I can't believe I'm asking you for advice, but... how do you declare your affection for someone?"

"The all-mighty and regal Silver Spoon? In love? Do you mind telling me who it is?" You tease.

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