(GOB) CJ x Earth: Irrationable

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Thank you @CheskasWrath for requesting! This story is more of angst rather than fluff if I'm being honest. Slight implications of family issues ahead.

Group projects. The bane of every high schooler, including Earth. Every class he had before this one didn't have to do this, so why now? It was the first day of high school, too! It became worse because the teacher was choosing the groups. He only hoped that whoever he was paired with had a fraction of his intelligence.

Though, he didn't get his wish. He got a very annoying partner instead. It was only day one, but this CJ person got himself a reputation for being a nuisance.

He walked up to him. "Are you Earth?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You seem like a nerd. How about this, you do my work, and I don't have to do anything."

Earth's jaw dropped. "Why in the world would I accept that?!"

"Because if you don't, I'll beat you up instead!"


It didn't matter to him anyway. He doubted CJ could even do anything. Despite being a chemical jar, he probably didn't know anything about chemistry. Besides, this isn't the first time someone contributed nothing to a project with him.

He chuckled to himself. He is the best and smartest in this class after all. Why should he care if someone is forcing him to work by himself? He'll just take all the credit so that they'll have a horrible grade afterward.

"Do you even know how to build a volcano model?" CJ asks.

"Of course I do. I'm not an idiot like— you know what, forget I said anything. I'm going to get half of the stuff we need, you go get the other half.

After getting all the things they needed, Earth began working on it. Surprisingly, CJ did help him once in a while. Maybe he wasn't completely useless. Though, he did pick on him too.

By the end of the class, they were almost finished. All they had to do was use baking soda and vinegar.

"Okay CJ, I'll be the one pouring it. You stand back and watch a master at work."

"No way, I want to do it!" CJ swipes the box of baking soda and the vinegar from Earth.

"CJ don't you dare pour all of it—"

Needless to say, they were held in class for a while until the whole explosion was cleaned up. Earth checked his schedule after walking out of the class.

He groaned. Gym class? Really? It was one problem after another. It was so far away as well. He also saw CJ walking the same path as him. Please don't tell him that he has to share another class with him.

He speeds up and enters the class. Behind him, he can hear CJ snickering. "You won't last a second here with me."

Earth sat on the bleacher waiting to be picked for the dodgeball teams. CJ was, unfortunately, the team captain. One by one, other people were picked. Earth crossed his arms.

It all came down to him and another person, yet he was chosen last. The realization shocked him. Did these people not know what they were missing out on? He may have not had a lot of strength, but surely his intellect made up for that.

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