Cologne x Reader: Movie Night

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Writer's block is attacking me, so have this extra thing my brain thought of. The actual Cologne x Reader will definitely be a lot longer than this. Have this very generic and short one-shot that checklists most clichés.

Cologne had set up everything for his beloved. To every bit of decoration in his house, and to the lit candles sitting atop his kitchen table. They may have only been together for a month, but he wanted to do something special. Something special that would make him closer to them. After all, this was the first time he's ever been in a romantic relationship. He didn't want to mess anything up.

He may have searched on WikiHow to find date ideas, but it worked out anyway. He laid down on his couch after finishing the preparations. He imagined the scenarios that could play out between his partner and him. What flirts he could use to make them flustered, even though most of them left them confused. What things made them smile, and what things made them laugh.

The front door slams open, and he jolts in surprise.

"Cologne! Am I late? I got a bunch of snacks so that we could watch that new movie." There are chip bags, candy, and a whole popcorn bowl in your arms. They're all on the verge of falling off.

"Sweetheart," he smiles, "you didn't have to bring all of this. I already had snacks. Especially all the ones you like..." he whispers the last part.

"Of course I had to! I made sure to get all the stuff that you'd like, too." You close the door and take a seat on the couch, lying closely against him. "I brought these chocolates because they kind of reminded me of you. Here!"

He gladly takes your gift. "Thank you. These look amazing."

"No problem! You mentioned liking chocolates yesterday, so I thought that these would be perfect for our movie. Maybe chocolate isn't so great for a horror movie, but hey, it's good enough!" As you ramble on, Cologne cups his hand in front of your mouth. In his hand lies a piece of chocolate from your gift.

"Huh? Hey, you're supposed to take the first bite, not me!" You exclaim.

"I know, but you're the one who gave it to me. It's only fair that you get to have it first." He says.

With an exasperated sigh, you unenthusiastically agree. Taking the chocolate and munching on it, you grumble. "You know, food tastes much better when you're sharing it with someone else."

He steals a kiss from you, leaving your brain to go haywire. He licks his lips. "You're right. It does taste better."

"Wha— you can't, just—" Words fail you, but then he has the audacity to hold you closer to him.

As he chuckles, you can't help but roll your eyes. You grab the remote and mutter, "Let's... just focus on something else. Like, the new movie."

"Are you sure, dear? As much as I love it when you rest your head on my shoulder, I wouldn't want you to get any nightmares."

"It can't be that scary." You say.

You were right. It wasn't scary at all, at least, to you. Cologne was shaking the whole time. Even with the most predictable "camp killer" plot known in existence, it still grabbed your attention. For approximately one second.

He holds your hand only to realize that you slept in the middle of the movie. As much as he hates to let go of your hand, he goes to turn off the TV and put out the candles. He grabs a blanket and returns to the cough, wrapping himself and you in the blanket. You softly snore by his side, and he gives you a quick kiss.

"Sweet dreams, my love."

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