Yandere! GPS x Reader: Manor Massacre

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Thank you for requesting, Sarai3710! This one-shot was posted right on Halloween in where I live, so I definitely speed-ran this one-shot.
Spoilers for The Nightly Manor with added changes. This fic contains depicted death scenes and mentions of blood. Read at your own risk.

You hurriedly type away on your work computer, trying to finish a project that one of your co-workers couldn't. They were always going off on dates with new people outside of their job, but they came to you this morning and pleaded for you to help them. You did say that they should've been focusing on their deadlines, but they begged for you to help them again. It's not like you could've said no, they seemed extremely desperate and needed your help.

Now you're the only one working in your cubicle at such a late hour while your coworker is going on another date. Their project is due tonight, and you've downed your eighth cup of coffee. You didn't think it would be this bad before, but now you're stuck here. The clacking of your keyboard and your progress is the only thing keeping you sane.

With a click on the submit button, you slump back down in your seat. It's finally over. You check the time, and it's way past midnight. It's not like you're going to get paid for helping your co-worker either.

You pack up your items and sling your bag over your shoulder. You reach for your phone on the desk, but it starts ringing. It fumbles in your hands before you grasp it and press the call button. Your eyes widen, "T-Top Hat?"

"Mhm! It's been so long, GPS and I missed you since you moved away! How's it going over there?" He asks.

You stumble over your words, "Uhm... it's, uh, good. Have you and GPS been doing well?"

"Yeah, we even started dating a while back," there's a faint smile in his voice.

You light up, "I'm so glad for you two! However, why did you want to call me this late at night?"

"Well, GPS and I were invited to set up a party. Remember Ring? Well, she's hosting it."

You gulp, "Are... there going to be a lot of people?"

"Only a few others, but no pressure. GPS and I know you don't like social gatherings all that much."

You take a deep breath. Alright, parties are not your thing, but Top Hat and GPS are your best friends. You're sure it will be alright. Besides, you could use a break from your job. "O-okay. When is the party?"

"It's next week," He answers.

"I'll... make sure to be there. Have a good night, Top Hat."

"You too! Make sure to sleep well tonight, alright?"

You hang up and turn off your phone, tucking it into your bag. You make your way toward the elevator and push the buttons, waiting and eventually getting to the bottom floor. As you get to the parking lot and step into your car, you feel unwell. It might be best to schedule a flight on your phone right now to get rid of this queasiness.

While you book a flight, your mind drifts off to other things. It'd be like a nice reunion with your friends, so you guess it will be worth it. It's a good thing you have a day off on the day of the party, yet you can't get rid of that uneasy feeling. You ignore it so that you can look on the positive side.

After a tedious week of working, eating, sleeping, and repeating, you've finally arrived at the plane after filling out every requirement for your short trip. You haven't packed much because you're only staying at Top Hat's apartment for a few days. You're sitting in the economy class, or section, of the plane. It was the only thing you could afford while maintaining your budget. You place your bag underneath your plane seat and sit back. You stare out the window as the plane lifts off into the atmosphere. It feels like a dream being so high above the clouds. You relax until a kid kicks the back of your seat. You wish you had the courage to tell him to stop, but the mother looks peeved. It's probably best to endure it for a few hours even if you don't want to.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2022 ⏰

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