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Heyo! Welcome to Chapter 5! Before we begin I want to thank y'all for this..

Thank you all SO MUCH for the views and the love! I will continue this story and other stories! Enjoy

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Thank you all SO MUCH for the views and the love! I will continue this story and other stories! Enjoy.

*King Andrias POV*

"Danne, Dasha do you want anything.?"  I say.

"Hmm. We want Marcy for crying out loud.!" Dasha says, annoyed.

"To think it would be so difficult to catch a child." Danne says as she fidgets with a die.

"Why do you want Marcy so much, I will get her for you.. but what purpose could she have.?" I ask.

"Since when did you ask so many questions?" Dasha says.

"My apologies my lord." I say.

"Sasha and Anne would be delighted to have their dear old Marcy here." Dasha says as she laughs a little.

"Well uh-"

"Andrias. Wouldn't you think you could waste someone else's time?" Danne says.

I stand there silently.

"Anne is still fighting, but Sasha isn't going to be able to much longer." Dasha says.

"I will go obtain Marcy." I say as I walk out of the room.

*Marcy POV*

Are Sasha and Anne okay.?

I couldn't stop thinking of them.

I don't want to lose them again.

I walk over to Yunan, HopPop and Grime.

"Have you planned anything yet?" I ask.

"Well no. But!! We are getting close." HopPop says.

They haven't thought of anything have they?

The generals of the newts and the roads were here too.

"Thankfully I have a plan." I say.

"As much as this hurts to say, we cannot focus on Anne and Sasha. We have to focus on Andrias and the music box." I say.

I explain my plan.

"That is risky." Grime says.

"What choice do we have?" Yunan says.

Grime let's out a sigh.

"Let's do this." Grime says.

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