19 ~Plan Out The Inevitable

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--- Rebellion - Sprig POV

I held the Wit Gem, seemingly grasping onto it tightly, like it would do something bad. I knew that if it got into the wrong hands... Is not something I want to risk.

I just want to see Anne again. My so called 'big sister.'

I don't know what I'm going to do without her.

But I have the Wit Gem, I have a chance. And I need to keep it hidden, in the deepest darkest place where it will never see the light of day again--- my pocket.

I shoved the gem in my pocket, wincing as I accidentally cut my finger on it.

"Anne... I know you'd never give up on me.. Now I just have to make sure I don't give up on you." I sighed, wiping the small dab of blood off my finger.

"Sprig.. you okay, kiddo?" Hoppop walked over, placing his hand on my shoulder for reassurance.

I took a deep breath, knowing it wasn't good to keep all my emotions inside.

"No. I'm not doing very well. I'm so worried for Anne, and her friends! If only I didn't let this happen.. if only I was a few seconds quicker! I failed them.. I feel horrible." I said as tears dropped from my face onto the ground with a 'plop.'

"Boy, you don't have to do this alone. We are all worried. But we can do this. You just gotta have faith, okay kiddo?" Hoppop persisted, as I gave a light nod.

"Has Yunan got everything ready yet?" I asked.

"I think so. Her and Grime have been working hard, and I presume they got something ready." Hoppop said.

"So we are striking tonight?" I asked, pretty nervous.

"Tonight, at Dawn." Hoppop replied.

'Dawn...'' I thought, hoping this would work. Or at least one of them.. could be saved.

We'll see.


'Was there a clock in this abyss? I swear I'm hearing the endless ticking of a grandfather clock..' I thought, staring into the darkness, feeling nothing.




'I haven't seen Anne or Sasha in a really long time.. I'm worried. Especially for Sasha, she's been here a really long time. But one things for sure, we won't get out of this without intense emotional and physical scarring.' I murmured, kicking my legs around slightly.

It was extensively boring. Like you were waiting for a doctor's appointment.

Every once in awhile random puzzles appeared, they were semi complex, but helped wash away the feeling of nothingness.

I should've never taken that box.

My friends didn't deserve this.

At this point, I'm just hoping to see their smiling faces again.

'Man.. even I'm getting sick of all this moping and negative thoughts.' I sighed, the boredom of this negativity being horrid.

I want out.

I shouldn't hide here and cower. I need to do something!

I can't let them win.

If I give up, that won't be my first mistake on this trip to Amphibia.

But good thing that I'm not going to give up.

For Anne.

For Sasha.

Now all I need to do is think of a plan...


: )

"̶G̵o̴o̶d̸ ̴l̴u̸c̶k̸ ̶w̸i̸t̴h̸ ̶t̵h̸a̷t̶.̵"̴

: )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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