Chapter 2

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When you hate something, but you have no choice but to adapt to it, especially if adapting to it would play a significant role in your survival, you adapt to it. Life simply gives you no choice but to adapt to it.

I wasn't a morning person, I hated the mornings, and I didn't see it as all flowers and sunshine, not at all. I saw the morning as a cloudy day, ready to pour down its wicked rain on me, and on a typical day, I would do anything within my power to avoid the rain. To avoid mornings, I always slept in, at least I used to sleep in.

When I got the job of caring for Camy and cleaning the house, I could no longer avoid the mornings because that was when my work started. I adapted to seeing the mornings.

Just like me, Camy hated the mornings, but there was no hope of her ever getting used to waking up in the morning. The school didn't affect her schedule as she still slept till 10 and got to school by 11; call it rich father benefits. For two years, I never made the mistake of waking her up until at least 10 am, but this day, she wanted to be woken up earlier than usual.

I wasn't ready to see a little ball of sunshine turn into a bit of a ball of a tantrum, but if she wanted to get up early, then who was I to complain. It was the last day of school, and she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her friend. Her wanting to get to school so early was a win for me; I could take the rug to the dry cleaners as soon as possible and get it before the clock struck 7 this evening.

Camy looked like an adorable and angry mess. Her eyes were red and puffy like she had just cried from one very horrible breakup, only she didn't. Her hair was messy, falling over her face, and her lips were set in a frown.

"Anna, leave me be." She whined out, a ring of tears lining her puffy eyes. "I just want to sleep." I was almost moved to give in to her and let her sleep, but she had requested that I shouldn't give in to her no matter what she did or said.

"You have to wake up."

"No!!!" She yelled out before plopping on her bed. "Go Away." I dragged her up, so she looked straight at me as I gave her a stern look that she didn't seem to like.

"I know you did not just use that tone on me," I whispered, hoping to affect her, and I did. She let out a sigh and scrubbed her eyes with her fist to wipe her tears and the dirt, and I knew I had gotten to her.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was light and low.

"It's fine; let's just get ready so that you can have enough time with Troy." I got up with a smirk.

"I don't like Troy, and I want to spend time with my best friend, not Troy." Just like that, I was able to get her out of bed and run around.

My day after this was not very exciting. I made breakfast and made sure that Camille ate to her fill before getting her dressed. I dropped the little girl at school, then I had her driver (yes, her father hired her a driver and got her a car too) take me to the dry cleaners from there, after which i came back. I cleaned up the whole house, made lunch and then I went to sleep again. I was sluggish, and even if I didn't let it show, all I wanted to do was sleep. The only thing different was that Camy had a play date after school and I didn't have to pick her up until 7:30pm. I was going to spend my free day wisely, and I would sleep.


For Camille, her father was her number one hero, he was the best and even though he was never there, she still kept him on her high pedestal. Whenever she had the chance, she spoke of her father with the amount of pride a little child would, and I knew that he didn't understand that. He did not even know that. Because of this, when she saw a little opportunity to spend just a minute with Mr. Evans, she took it up without a care in the world. Even though it made her father angry.

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