Chapter 3

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The next morning, I got up as early as usual and decided to make breakfast before I actually left. Sure, one could call it my own attempt at stalling, as I honestly wasn't ready to leave the house but it didn't matter. Immediately I was done with the meal, I would be gone. I wouldn't even eat out of the breakfast I made, I would just go. Even if Mr. Evans had not told me that I was fired, I knew that I was and I wasn't going to let him ridicule me before he let me go. That would not be good for my heart.

On the marble counter, laid some flour, eggshells, a bowl of batter, blueberries and some other ingredients I had thrown into Camy's favorite pancake. The oil in the pan was getting hot so I started to slowly put portions of the batter in it. I got lost in thoughts as I stared at the frying pancakes.

"Are you going to keep staring at that pan all day?" I jerked away from the stove, barely missing its handle. Just a few more inches and my skin would be riddled with scars from hot oil.

"Mr. Evans." I acknowledge the man standing by the door of the kitchen, he was not in his suit today, and I really wasn't expecting him to stop by the kitchen. He didn't look like he was going to work. He had on a sweatpants that hung low on his waist, and a t-shirt that made me want to whistle at him

"Good morning sir." I greeted as quietly and humbly as I could. I wasn't trying to win my way back in, I knew it wasn't going to work. I just thought it was my way of apologising to him for being so rude in front of his daughter.

"Oh no you aren't rude." It was hard to believe that such snarky remark came from the one and only uptight Evans.

"Yes. Uhm. I'm sorry about yesterday." I looked up just in time to see his green eyes roll. It was like his change of clothes somehow had an effect on his behavior. Maybe the sweat pants he wore had made him not so uptight. Whatever it was, it was too bad I only got to see this tiny part of him before I left.

"I'll just get done with Camy's breakfast and I'll be out of your hair." A look of sadness washed over his face for a quick second at the mention of my nickname for Camille, but he masked it as quick as it came with a look of surprise and then amusement when he heard my last statement.

"Where would you be going then Miss Smith?" I cleared my throat at his intense look, I had made the mistake of looking at him and he had managed to keep me in a trance.

"Uhm... my house. I know uhm after what happened yesterday, you wouldn't be needing my services anymore so uhm..."

"I'm not firing you, Miss Smith."

"You are not?" I whispered out an 'oh thank God' before focusing on him.

"I'm not. Sure, what you did yesterday was way out of line." He walked towards the marble counter, staying on the other side from me. His hands which had been folded and bulged unwrapped themselves and helped his body lean on the counter.

"But your words were also true, I do have to change which is why I have decided that we need a vacation." My eyes widened like the pan I was frying the pancakes with. The pancakes. I had totally forgotten about them, and it was because of this man. I ran to the stove and quickly turned it off.

"It was not going to get burnt." He remarked, but I brushed it aside, he was no cook, and he didn't know jack about frying pancakes.

"Vacation?" He nodded his head yes.

"That's what I said, we are going on a vacation." I heard a squeal coming from where the boss had once stood. We both turned to look at Camille, a big smile on her face, evidence that she had heard her father. I had no idea if I was to be surprised about his decision to go on a vacation with his daughter, or if I was to be shocked that Camy woke up so early on her own. This was great, I thought to myself, this was a great start and Camy's smile was what I needed to know that I was right.

I served our breakfast, luckily there was enough for everyone. Sure, I lied when I said I wasn't going to eat breakfast but it didn't really matter anymore since I wasn't fired. Camy was focused on her food and her father and I was focused on her father. I watched as Mr. Evans took turns feeding himself and then his daughter and I awes at the scene. My food was getting cold right in front of me, yet I couldn't bring myself to tear my eyes away from the man sitting right there, in front of me. I let out a sigh of content when his muscles flexed, catching his attention. He looked up a me with a raised brow and even when I tried to look away in time, he still caught me ogling. I cleared my throat and focused on my food, trying to stop my face from turning tomato red from embarrassment. When I looked up again, he was focused on his daughter but I could see the ghost of a smirk playing on his lips.


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A very short chapter, hope you like it.

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