Chapter 9

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Tomorrow never did come. Of course, I don't mean that literally, and the next day came, we just never got the chance to talk. That was on me and it wasn't just because I was busy caring for Camy, which was my job, it was also because I managed to avoid him every single time. I made sure that no matter what, we were never in a room by ourselves. Mrs. Anderson also noticed this, she noticed the tension between the both of us and she noticed that I had been avoiding the man but she said nothing. Camy didn't really notice anything, I mean, she was a child she was just very happy that her father was spending so much time with her.

Mrs. Anderson had made tuna casserole for dinner, and we were all gathered at the table to eat. I managed to get myself to sit right opposite the one person I was trying to avoid, and it was

proving really difficult, trying to not look him in his eyes.

"Anna." He had moved to the first name basis now and it was messing with my head.

"When you are done, can I please have a word?" I looked at him and he had a warning look, telling me not to try anything stupid. I cleared my throat, ignoring the old lady's muffled giggles and I nodded my head. I knew I had to do extra work to avoid him.

Avoiding him wasn't very easy, it took me skill and patience but I eventually did, and I found myself in my darkroom, ready to fall asleep.

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

I was right here again, by the side of the soldier with his gun set up and ready to fire. I didn't like

being here and so I pinched myself over and over again to get out of that place but it just didn't work.

"I have to go. I have to go." I muttered repeatedly to myself, looking around for an escape door but there was none. The soldiers that were focused on their jobs didn't notice me, like I was not there at all but I was, and I just wanted to get out. I stretched my hand to touch the only man I recognised there, maybe somehow, he would be able to help me out but just as I stretched my hand to grab onto him, he stood up. My eyes widened, wondering just what exactly was going on. I knew it was no good as his colleagues kept yelling at him to get down. I too began to yell at him, wishing he would stop being so stubborn and get down.

"There is a child right there." He pointed to the open field where a child was covered from head to toe with a big black hijab.

"Get down!" I yelled at him, but he didn't pay me any heed and just went on walking. The tears were beginning to roll down my cheeks, and I knew that whatever was going to happen next, would be worse than every other I had witnessed before.

When he got to the middle where the child was he crouched down to the ground and began to speak to her. I had no idea what he was saying but I knew the child was giving him no answer. Wanting the child to give him a response, he stretched his hand to grab unto her, and just as his hand made contact with, there was a rain of gunshots.

"Miles!!" I screamed as loud as I could and watched as the man slowly fell to the ground.

"Miles." I yelled as his team began shooting blindly at whoever was shooting at the fallen soldier.

"Miles." I screamed as I counted the amount of bullet holes in his body. This was different from the others, much more gruesome and I just wanted to crawl away.

I felt someone call my name repeatedly and try to shake me awake. This had me waking up with another scream as I sat up. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my shaking body in comfort.

"Shh." I heard his voice say, I had no idea I had been crying.

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare. It's okay." It wasn't just a nightmare, but it did make it better that he was here with me.

"It felt so real." I whispered out, my eyes wide open, refusing to close even just for a second.

"Hey." He pulled me away from his hold, held my shoulder and looked me in the eyes. "You don't have to talk about it okay." I nodded my head but I knew I had to say something. He drew me back into his arms and I let a few more years fall before I began to speak again.

"I wasn't even there, so why do I have to relive his gruesome death over and over again. I can't do this" I shook my head. "I want my brother back, I want my Miles back." He shushed me, playing with my hair before pulling me down to lie on the bed, his arms still around me. I missed my brother, I missed him a lot. I tried to act like I was okay but to be honest, his death hit me the hardest. When I heard about his death, I became lost and I found it really hard to pick up my pieces. My brother was the only person that understood me, he loved me of all things. I missed my brother so much. I didn't know my father and my mother was a nut head, my brother was the only person who was ever there and I was unable to move from his death.

"Go to sleep, I'm here." I nodded my head, but I knew that going back to sleep would prove difficult. He placed a kiss on my forehead and I allowed myself to relish in that.

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